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Q: Is pure scientific research carried out primarily to solve environmental problems?
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What is the relationship between scientific research and environmental resources?

People use environmental resources for practical reasons, not wanting to wait for science. Scientific research takes time & money.

What is the application of scientific research to society needs problems?

technology Scientific Method

What country has land that is considere uninhabitable to live?

Antarctica is a continent that has land that is uninhabitable due to extreme cold temperatures, lack of infrastructure, and harsh environmental conditions. It is primarily used for scientific research purposes only.

What is Boston Scientific known for?

Boston Scientific is a medical solutions company. They are heavily into research and help patients with their research and solutions to medical problems.

What are the s teps in solving problems using scientific methods?

..if u solve the problems u research..

What is a popular subject of research in environmental science?

Popular subjects include Ecology chemistry and biology. Anything that is related to the earth in a scientific way is considered environmental science.

Why do people research ufos?

Because UFO research is much less stressful and depressing than real problems, like poverty, corruption, and environmental issues.

Which part of the scientific process includes identifying problems?

It can only be identified in the research lab during the research.

When was Environmental Research Letters created?

Environmental Research Letters was created in 2006.

Is it true that pure science is scientific research carried out primarily to solve a specific enviromenatal problem?

Nope it is false big boy!!!

What effect did the Manhattan Project have on interdisciplinary scientific research?

The Manhattan Project brought changes to the focus of interdisciplinary scientific research. Physics research was directed primarily to applied research that was funded by the military. Basic science also was fueled by military research. All areas of basic science saw a shift to partnering scientists with military planners.

Is it false that basic and applied research are systematic and objective but only basic research utilizes the scientific method to answer to questions at hand?

Yes, it is false. Both basic and applied research can be systematic and objective, and both can utilize the scientific method to answer questions at hand. Basic research aims to advance scientific knowledge, while applied research focuses on solving practical problems, but the scientific method can be applied in both cases.