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Q: Is put an action verb
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Is wear an action verb?

Wer is an action verb becouse wear is to put on

Is there an action verb in the sentence' he is a shield to those who put their trust in him?

Yes, the word "put" is an action verb.

Is the word put a preposition?

No, "put" is not a preposition. It is a verb that indicates the action of placing something somewhere.

What type of action verb is put?

There are two types of action verbs, a physical action(to run, to see) and mental action (to think, to remember).The action verb 'put' can be a physical action or a mental action.Examples:I put all of the dishes away. (a physical action)I put my children's needs first. (a mental action)

Is will put a preposition?

No, "will" is a modal verb indicating future tense, and it does not function as a preposition.

Is the word put a verb?

Yes, "put" is a verb. It is used to describe the action of placing something in a specific location or position.

Is put an adverb?

No, 'put' is a verb, because it is an action. An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective or adverb.

Is raised a linking verb or a action verb?

It is an action verb.

Is the word follow a action verb?

I believe the word "follow" is an action verb because in order to follow someone, you need to put your body in motion and it is therefore an action.

Is lays an action verb?

Yes, lays is an action verb. The word lays is the third person, singular, present of the verb to lay (lays, laying, laid); to put or set down; to cause to lie down; to cause to subside; calm or allay; a word for an action.

Is began a linking verb or a action verb?

began is an action verb, not a linking verb.

Is add an action verb?

Yes, the verb to add is an action verb; a word for the act of putting something with another thing or things; to put numbers or amounts together; to give something an extract quality.