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It would depend on how long the child was placed in the closet.It could be fine for a short period of time.

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Q: Is putting a child in a closet for punishment an abuse?
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In most states, corporal punishment is not allowed.

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Yes. It's seen as child abuse.

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It's to raise awareness for child abuse.

What are the legal issues for child abuse?

Legal issues regarding child abuse generally revolve around what counts as child abuse and what doesn't. For example, some people consider spanking child abuse while others consider it an acceptable form of punishment. Constitutional protections of the parent-child relationship and privacy in the home must also be legally balanced with the welfare of the child.

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Parents or another legal guardian of a child can use force up to, but not including death or child abuse to discipline a child

Is your child abusive?

It depends on the context and the child. In some cases, a slap could be considered spanking, and acceptable physical punishment. In other cases, a slap could fall outside the bounds of punishment and be considered abuse.

Is it illegal to hit your child in wyoming?

A parent has the right to discipline their child, which includes corporal punishment (spanking/hitting). A child, however, is legally protected from cruel and unusual punishment from the parent. Generally speaking, if the parent is leaving a serious bruise, the child is being subjected to excessive punishment that constitutes "child abuse". Any further specification is a personal opinion.

Is child abuse psychological?

Yes and no. Child abuse can take many forms. But the result, or the impact it has on the child, is emotional and psychological. The forms child abuse can take are emotional child abuse, psychological child abuse (also referred to as mental child abuse), and physical child abuse.

Would a man get arrested for punching his 8 year old in public?

yes punching a child is a form of abuse not punishment.