

Is race the same as subspecies?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: Is race the same as subspecies?
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Are grizzly bears and brown bears the same?

Actually, it's a "race" and it's the other way around. Grizzlies are a "race" of Brown bear. So All Grizzlies are Brown Bears but not all Brown Bears are Grizzlies. It is actually a race, not a subspecies. {actually, race is the same as subspecies. Generally, race is used more commonly for birds, subspecies for mammals.}

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No, we are all the same species :) they just have genetics that are a little different..but there is no human subspecies

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No. The so called "spirit bear' is actually a white specimen of the Kermode bear, which is a race of the black bear. Around 2 in 10 of this subspecies is white.

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Phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, subspecies or race.

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Yes. Two subspecies of the same lizard species can interbreed. If they could not, they would be considered as separate species.

Which of the subspecies of tigers is extinct?

Bali, Javan, Caspian. However, there is new evidence that suggests the Caspian and Siberian tigers are genetically identical, may be the same subspecies.

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They are 99% identical And they are both from the same family

Who are the closest animal to the Siberian tiger?

Other tiger subspecies, of which five others are living today. However, the extinct Caspian tiger, recent evidence shows, was very closely related to the Siberian, and may have been an extant race of that subspecies.

Where are cougars from?

Cougars, or puma, mountain lion, or panther, are found from Canada to the Amazon basin. Found in various races across this region, varying little from race to race. This animal is considered "Least Concern" by the IUCN, but the Florida subspecies is endangered.

Does the average tiger outweigh the average lion?

The Siberian and Bengal subspecies do. The Indo Chinese subspecies is roughly the same weight as an African lion. The other three subspecies (Malayan, Sumatran, South China), weigh less than the lion.

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The only puma subspecies endangered is the Florida race, known as "Florida panther". Around 80 survive.

How are wolves the same as dogs?

Both are the same species, just different subspecies. The dog is a domesticated wolf.