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Q: Is radiation the energy released when nuclei of radioactive elements break down?
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An element that gives off nuclear radiation what?

Sounds to me like radiation from a radioactive isotope. The breaking down part would be the half-life. But the isotope won't completely break down. Only until it reaches a stable form. Such as, radium-226 decays finally to lead-206. During the process it emits charged Alpha particles.

Which elements emit radiation in the visible part of the spectrum?

Radioactive elements such as radium or uranium emit radiation. There are three types of "radiation"; alpha particles (which are solitary electrons), beta particles (helium nuclei, consisting of two protons and two neutrons) and "gamma radiation", which is high-energy electromagnetic energy similar to light or X-rays.

What was Marie Curie's contribution in the field of science?

Marie Curie discovered radiation - she did lots of work with radio activity,and radioactive isotopes,and the spontaneous decay of certain elements into other elements and energy.

Difference between a non-radioactive substance and a radioactive substance?

Radioactive elements are unstable and will decay into other elements in a decay chain. Non-radioactive elements are stable and won't commence into radioactive decay. Radioactive elements can be found from atomic number 84 onwards.

What is lost during radioactive decay?

Decay energy is the energy that has been freed during radioactive decay. When radioactive decay is ongoing it drops off some energy by means of discharging radiation.

Does the Sun have radioactive energy?

Yes. The Sun is powered by the process of Nuclear Fusion and it does output radioactive energy, mainly in the form of electromagnetic radiation.

What do radioactive materials do?

The atoms become some other type of atom. In the process, they emit some radiation, which contains energy. The radiation they emit typically include one or more of the following: alpha particles (helium-4 nuclei), beta particles (electrons or positrons), gamma rays, and neutrinos.

What are radioactive elements called?

There is not one, but many radioactive elements. Radioactive isotopes, to be more precise - because sometimes, one isotope may be stable, while another isotope of the same element is radioactive. All, or most, elements have radioactive isotopes.

How do radioactive elements produce their own energy?

The energy released in a radioactive decay arises because the nucleus is moving from one energy level to a lower energy one. The link below gives a good outline explanation in the Explanation section.

Radioactive element used for nuclear energy?

One of the radioactive elements used for nuclear energy is 235U92, commonly stated as U-235.

What are unstable elements that give off energy as they decay called?

The elements described are said to be radioactive.

Energy and high-speed atomic particles released during a nuclear reaction are called?

Can be alpha, beta particles in radioactive decay, or neutrons in fission. There is also gamma ray energy which is part of the EM spectrum I believe the answer your looking for is Radiation