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It depends on your area. How ever if you make sure that there are no chemicals that will get into the water, that there are no leaves and other objects on the surface of the water, and the water doesn't look cloudy or toxic, it should be fine. Horses drink out of puddles all the time. I don't think rain water is going to hurt them.

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Q: Is rainwater collected in water butts safe for horses to drink?
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Hornbill drinks only rain water true or false?

False. Hornbills do not solely rely on rainwater for hydration. They drink water from various sources such as rivers, puddles, and water collected in tree hollows.

How can someone tell if rainwater is drinkable?

There is unfortunately no foolproof method for determining whether rainwater is safe to drink. If one is going to drink rainwater, it is advisable that safety precautions be taken, such as filtering or boiling of the water to ensure that it has been disinfected.

How do horses eat and drink?

horses eat hay and drink water

Is non distilled rainwater healthy to drink?

No, as it is reacts with atmospheric chemicals

Can horses drink pop?

no because horses don't have the ability to drink pop

What do Appaloosa horses drink?

Appaloosa's like all other horses drink water.

Why is rainwater collected after 30-40 min's after raining is not suitable for drinking?

Rainwater collected after 30-40 minutes of raining may not be suitable for drinking because it can contain higher levels of contaminants from the atmosphere, such as pollutants and bacteria, that may have been washed into the water during that time period. To ensure rainwater is safe for drinking, it's typically recommended to collect it after the initial rainfall has washed the air and surfaces clean.

Is it safe to drink rainwater?

Well it won't kill you...but it might make you sick.

How can you reuse rainwater?

What do you think? Just drink it, jeez, it doesnt sound that hard does it........

What do horses drink?

Horses drink WATER if I was you I wouldn't give the horse anything else

Is it illegal to catch rainwater?

It is not illegal, but if you plan to drink it, make sure you boil it before you do.