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diode is nonlinear device,so device from diode is also nonlinear

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Q: Is rectifier a non linear device?
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Why a transistor is a non linear devices?

A: THE WORD IS LINEAR. yes it is not a very linear device as a function of current

Is zener diode a linear device?

Zener diode is not a linear device... it is non-linear one. Since linear devices are those devices which have linear characteristics(V-I CHAR.), or follows the Ohm's law i.e. voltage is directly proportional to current. but in case of Zener diode ohm's law fails down. the V-I char. in both forward biased & reverse biased condition is non-linear. So. Zener diode is non-linear device

The correct formula to determine how many Amps of current a device will draw is?

There is no formula it depends on the device. If the device is linear it can be ascertain but if it a non linear then it becomes quite complex

What device is also called a rectifier?

A rectifier is an electronic device that changes an AC voltage to a DC voltage.

Is Rectifier diode linear?

If you consider it ON/OFF then no. It has other less-common purposes that are linear.

What is the abbreviation for 1N4007?

1n4007 is pn junction transistor. it is a non linear device

What are the examples of non linear devices?

"A device for which the output is, within a given dynamic range, linearly proportional to the input" e.g. a spring scale is linear device for measuring weight.

Is relay active or passive?

diode is a two terminal passive non linear device.

Transistor is a linear or non linear circuit element?

it is not a passive device .y because it is used to amplify the voltage and current .so as according to the definition of active device is the device which is used to amplify the current r voltage .hence transistor is a active device.

What is linear and non linear devices explain?

There are many examples of these. I would compare a linear device as a device giving a linear output as a result of the input. This can be an amplifier or simply the circuits that makes up the amplifier. A non-linear device could be a computer chip or a logic chip that is either on or off (only 2 stages) on both input and output. Some devices combine linear and non linear working modes. A typical OpAmp has got 2 inputs that can vary, where as the output is either On (close to input voltage of the circuit) or Off (close to input negative voltage or GND of the circuit) Other forms of linearities can be within a single transistor. It may have a linear voltage curve. This curve can also be non linear. This most often very dependent upon temperature.

Is transistor a linear or non linear device?

we will operate transistor mainly in 4 regions..namely active ,cutoff,saturation and pinch off region depending on the type of biasing. if it is under active region then transistor is a linear device.. linearity in the sense if the output is proportional to input then it is said to be linear.

Is inductor linear or non linear?

non linear