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How can I reduce the cost of solder by 60 % ?


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13y ago
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11y ago

Reduce, re-use, recycle!

Let's try to reduce our carbon footprint by at least ten percent, each year hence.

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12y ago

Reduce is a verb/ and a helping verb.

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Q: Is reduce a noun and a verb?
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What is the noun for reduce?

The noun forms of the verb to reduce are reducer, reduction, and the gerund, reducing.

Is reduced a noun?

No, the word 'reduced' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to reduce. The past participle of the verb is also an adjective: a reduced price, reducedresponsibilities, etc.The noun forms for the verb to reduce are reducer, reducibility, and the gerund, reducing.A related noun form is reduction.

What is the noun from the verb ruin?

The noun form is also ruin, as in the building fell into a ruin. When used in a verb form for example, to reduce to ruin or devastate

What is the definition of thin?

Noun: not fat; slender; in short supply Verb: to reduce in number

What is the verb of tiny?

The verb form of "tiny" is "to shrink" or "to reduce in size."

What part of speech is discount?

Yes, the word 'discount' is a noun (discount, discounts), a verb (discount, discounts, discounting, discounted), and an adjective.Examples:It's a beautiful table and I got it at a discount. (noun)Next week we will discount the remaining stock. (verb)The first place we look is at the discount store. (adjective)

What is the noun form of the verb noun?

The noun form of the verb "noun" is "noun-ness" or "nominalization."

Is 'is' a verb or noun?

The noun 'is' is a verb, a form of the verb 'to be'. The verb 'is' functions as an auxiliary verb and a linking verb.

Is circle an adjective?

No, it is a verb or a noun (to go around, to surround; a round shape). The adjective form is circular.

Is winner a verb or noun?


Is roar a noun or verb?

A roar is a noun. To roar is a verb.

What part of speech is trains?

Training is a noun and a verb. Noun: e.g. activity of acquiring skills. Verb: present participle of the verb 'train'.