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Is replacing bonded tooth with a crown necessary to prevent root canal?

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Q: Is replacing bonded tooth with a crown necessary to prevent root canal?
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Can you scuba dive if you were diagnosed with Otosclerosis?

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prevent disease caused by mosquitoes

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What is the function of the fine hairs and tiny wax-producing glands of the external auditory canal?

The fine hairs in the external auditory canal help to trap and prevent debris, such as dust and particles, from entering the ear. This helps to keep the ear clean and prevent blockages. The tiny wax-producing glands in the external auditory canal secrete earwax (cerumen) which helps to lubricate and protect the ear canal from infection and irritation.

Why did your dentist give you penicillin for your tooth that needs a root canal if he saw no infection?

To prevent any infection that may occur.

Why do hospitals put gel on newborn babies eyes?

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Why was sit necessary to build the locks in the canal?

Locks are necessary to lift barges and canal narrow boats up or down through a series of lock gates. The water level at the start of a series of lock gates may be higher or lower than the water level at the other end of the lock gates. Without the retaining effect of lock gates, the canal would simply be dry in some lengths and wet in others.

Why have a root canal?

A root canal is a procedure that can extend the useful life of a tooth that is infected and would otherwise be lost. If your quality of life or your appearance will not be adversely affected, then a root canal is not absolutely necessary, but the tooth should then be extracted to get rid of the infection. Living with the infection can lead to more serious complications.