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Q: Is rickets a bone disease
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What is rickets in horses?

Rickets is a disease in which the horse's legs bow in or bow out. It is classed as a disease of the bone.

What bone disease is called by the lack of calcium in the diet?

Rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.

Is a deficiency disease in children characterized by defective bone growt?

I suppose that you think to rachitisme.

What disease in children in which an inefficient mineralization of the bone forming tissue causes deformities?

rickets also known as osteomalacia

Where is the ricket bone located?

Rickets is the weakening and bowing of the long bones related to vitamin D deficiency. It is not a bone it is a disease. See Link.

What is the name of the bone disease that starts with a letter R?

Rickets. It occurs in children due to deficiency of vitamin D.

Does deficiency of vitamin D causes osteoarthritis?

No. It can cause osteopenia (little+bone) or osteoporosis (holes+bone). In growing children it can cause the disease called Rickets.

What bone disease is caused by lack of calcium in the diet?

RICKETS is a disorder caused y a lack of vitamin D,calcium,or phosphate.

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A vitamin D deficiency can cause this abnormal metabolic bone disease?

RICKETS is a disorder caused y a lack of vitamin D,calcium,or phosphate.

What is the name of the Musculoskeletal disease causes by vitamin D defisciency?

The musculoskeletal disease caused by vitamin D deficiency is called osteomalacia in adults and rickets in children. These conditions weaken bones, leading to symptoms like bone pain, muscle weakness, and bone deformities. Adequate vitamin D intake is essential for maintaining healthy bones and preventing these diseases.

What is a sentence using the word rickets?

Rickets is a disease caused by a lack of vitamin D.