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Q: Is right or left clockwise
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What way is anti clockwise?

Anti clockwise means to the left. clockwise goes to the right. if you get stuck look at a clock. the hand pointing left is anti clockwise. Go to the right it's clockwise.

What is the difference between a clockwise and an anti-clockwise rotation?

Clockwise turns to the right, counter-clockwise turns to the left

What is counter clockwise?

Clockwise goes right in a circle, counterclockwise goes left in a circle.

Which way is clockwise right or left?

Clockwise refers to the movement of the hands on a clock, they move around to the right.

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Is clockwise from right to left?

Yes, it starts from the top and it makes its way in a circular motion from right to left.

Is the threading on oil filters right or left?

right - CLOCKWISE to install - COUNTERCLOCKWISE to remove

Do you turn a water valve left or right when turning off a valve to cut the water off?

For most valves, clockwise to close and counter clockwise to open.

What do you mean by clockwise moment and anticlockwise moment?

The meaning of clockwise movement is movement in the same direction of the hands of a clock, or in a circle from left to right. Anticlockwise movement is movement in a circle from right to left.

Does the hair grow in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction on your head?

It depends if you are right handed or left handed. If you are right handed it grows clockwise vise versa

What is counter-clockwise?

Counter clockwise is the opposite to clockwise , so if you think of a clock and it goes right , counter clockwise is the other way round so it's going left.

Is the oil drain plug on a 2006 pt cruiser left or right hand thread?

right hand, turn counter clockwise to loosen.right hand, turn counter clockwise to loosen.