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no it is not, it is a chemical and irreversible change,

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11y ago
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12y ago

I r r e v e r s i b l e

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12y ago

Think about it, have you ever unbaked a cake into an egg, flour and baking soda?

I didn't think so when you heat the ingredients they undergo a chemical reaction into cake :) This cannot be reversed

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8y ago

No, Baking a cake can not be reversed as it is a physical reaction. Meaning you can't change it back from a cooked cake to the cake batter.

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6y ago

Frying an egg is an irreversible process.

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12y ago

it is irreversible

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Soorya Priya Gopala ...

Lvl 2
3y ago

It is a reversible change

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Lvl 1
3y ago

Irreversible change

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Q: Is Rolling a ball of dough to make roti is reversible or irreversible change?
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Equipment used for making Danish rolls?

Some common equipment used for making Danish rolls includes a rolling pin for rolling out the dough, a pastry brush for applying glazes, a dough scraper for shaping the dough, and baking sheets for baking the rolls in the oven. Additionally, a stand mixer with a dough hook attachment can be used to mix and knead the dough efficiently.

How is the rising of dough an example of a physical change and chemical change?

The rising of dough is a physical change because it involves a change in appearance and volume without altering the chemical composition of the ingredients. On the other hand, it can also involve a chemical change as the yeast in the dough ferments and produces carbon dioxide gas, which helps the dough rise.

Is saucing the dough of a pizza a chemical or physical change?

Saucing the dough of a pizza is a physical change because no new substances are formed. The sauce remains the same chemically, just changing its physical location on the dough.

When cookies baking gives aff a sweet smell is it a chemical change?

Yes, the smell of sweet cookies baking is due to a chemical change. During baking, the sugar in the dough caramelizes, creating new aroma compounds through a chemical reaction. This change is irreversible and contributes to the delicious scent of fresh cookies.

Could Making dough from flour be an example of a physical or chemical change?

Making dough from flour is an example of a physical change, as no new substances are formed during the process. The flour molecules are simply rearranged and mixed with water to form the dough, but the chemical composition of the flour remains the same.

Related questions

What kind of things are irreversible?

Irreversible means unable to be undone or reversed. If something has done "irreversible damage", it means that the damage will not heal.

Is baking a bread a reversible change?

Baking bread is an irreversible change; there is no way to unbake bread. The baked bread cannot be converted back to the dough that it was before being baked.

Is making dough from flour an example of irreversible change?


What use of rolling pin?

For rolling dough and pastry

Is rolling out a lump of pizza dough into a pizza crust is an example of a physical change?

no !

What else can a rolling pin be used for other than rolling dough?

Your rolling pin is a vital tool and should not be used for any other purpose than rolling dough

Is rolling cookie dough changing what it is?


What is it called to flatten dough to an even thickness with a rolling pin?

A rolling pin is a simple kitchen tool used for ages to flatten dough for biscuits, rolling out cookie dough so it can be cut with cookie cutters, and to mash nuts and other cooking products into pieces.

What does the idiom 'rolling in dough' mean?

Dough is a slang term for money. Someone who is rolling in dough has a lot of money.

What do you roll dough with?

A floured rolling pin.

What is a Pastry cloth and Rolling pin cover?

A pastry cloth is just a piece of heavy weight cotton for rolling dough on and a rolling pin cover is a sock tube that goes over the rolling pin.

What are function of rolling pin?

to flatten the dough so u can make cookie shapes. But you can use a rolling pin to knead the dough but I do it by hand.