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yes it is an oxidtion reaction.

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Q: Is rust an example of a chemical change?
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What is rust an example of a physical or chemical change?

Chemical change.

What is an example of a chemical change for iron?

rust is a chemical change for iron

Is rust an example of a chemical change or a physical change?

rusting is oxidation, so it is definitely a chemical change

Is a nail rust is a chemical?

Yes, a rusting nail is an example of the chemical change oxidation.

What kind of change is rust?

Rust is a chemical change.

Is rust physical or chemical change?

Its is chemical as

What property is an example of rusting?

It's an example of a chemical change. Rusting is a chemical process by which iron metal reacts with oxygen in the air to produce iron oxide, otherwise known as rust. A chemical change means you end up with something you didn't have before. Every chemical reaction has an equation associated with it, and the equation for rusting iron is:4Fe + 3O2 --> 2Fe2O3

Does rust from a chemical change or a physical change?

Rusting is a chemical change.

Is iron turned into rust a physical or chemical change?

Chemical change.

Is sanding rust off a bike a physical or chemical change?

Sanding rust off of a metal is a physical change. You are changing the rust's location, but not its chemical structure.

Is an old garden rake that is rusting a physical change?

No. It is chemical change because that rust will never be a metal again. A chemical change is a change that is irreversible. ( Ex. Your rake ( that rust will never be a metal again.) A physical change is a change that still has the same compound. Ex. sand ( rocks, just littler.)

How is a rusting a nail a chemical change?

Rust is a chemical reaction called oxide. When a nail rust, the chemical change is related to the reaction of the metal and oxygen.