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Q: Is rust forming on an iron nail is that a mixture?
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Why is rust forming on a nail not a pysical change?

It is not a physical change because rust is no longer iron, but is iron oxide, a completely different substance.

Is a rust forming on an iron nail chemical or physical?

A nail rusting is a chemical change. The iron in the nail reacts with water and oxygen to produce rust, a compound with the chemical formula Fe3O2.nH2O.

Is an iron nail a element compound or mixture?

in its pure form, iron is an element, but that may not be what you are referring to.... if you have iron oxide (rust), this is a compound of iron and oxygen.

Is rust forming on an iron nail a chemical change?

Yes. Rust on anything is always a chemical a change because a new substance is being formed.

What is an iron nail reactive with when forming rust?

oxygen, the air around us, it 'oxidises' so forms a layer of iron oxide or 'rust' , and im only 16!! ahaa

What cause a nail to rust in water?

The oxygen in the water reacts with the metal in the nail - forming metal oxide (rust)

Why does an iron nail rust?

Iron present in the nail oxidizes in oxygen to form the iron oxides

How much oxygen is consumed in forming iron rust?

Technically, all of the oxygen in the air is consumed when forming iron rust. Air is approximately 20 percent oxygen, and that entire amount is consumed when forming iron rust.

What happens to nail after heating?

It either cleans the nail, or makes the nail have rust.

Will 7up rust a nail?

Well I did and experiment for 30 days with 7up and an iron nail and it did not rust.

When a nail rust iron from the nail combines with oxygen from the air to form what?

They combine to form rust. You might be able to guess from what's combining that "rust" is apparently an iron oxide.

What type of change rusting of nail?

It's an oxidation reaction forming iron oxide (rust). Basically: iron + oxygen = iron oxide Iron, (Fe) is an element and react easily with the element Oxygen (O2) the resultant material is a compound known as rust or iron oxide, (FeO2) this proces is known as oxidization.