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Yes, the iron is oxidizing into iron oxide, better known as rust.

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Which one is a chemical change rusting of iron or melting of iron?

rusting of iron

Why is rusting iron a chemical change what is classifications?

Because the rusting of iron is based on a chemical change, a reaction of oxydation.

Can rusting iron nails be a chemical change?

Rusting of iron is chemical. It is the combination of oxygen with the iron, creating a different chemical: rust or iron oxide.

Is iron rusting after being left outside a chemical change?

Yes. Iron rusting is a chemical change. Rust is no longer iron, but is iron oxide, therefore a chemical reaction has occurred.

Is iron rusting a physical change or a chemical change?

it is a chemical change

Is iron rusting a physical change?

no it is a chemical change

Is iron rust physical change or chemical change?

The rusting of iron is a chemical change because the iron reacts with oxygen in the air to form iron oxide. This process cannot be reversed by physical means and results in a new substance being formed.

Is rusting iron a physical change in science?

no rusting iron is not a physical change it is a chemical change

What change is The rusting of iron form?

Chemical change

What chemical change happens on an iron?

Rusting is the common chemical reaction for iron.

Is iron rusts a physical or chemical reaction?

Iron rusting is a chemical change.

What chemical change of rusting of iron?

The rusting of iron is a chemical change, where iron and oxygen are the reactants and rust is the product. The basic equation for this reaction is: 4Fe + 3O2 --> 2Fe2O3