

Is rutherfordium magnetic

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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People put really stupid stuff on here so imma help you and say dont put this in a report or essay because most of these are INCORRECT

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Q: Is rutherfordium magnetic
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Yes, rutherfordium is man made.

What is the normal phase for Rutherfordium?

Rutherfordium is a solid.

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Rutherfordium is a solid.

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Rutherfordium is a solid.

What is the value of rutherfordium?

Rutherfordium is not a commercial product.

Is rutherfordium valuable?

Rutherfordium is not a commercial product.

What is the latin name for rutherfordium?

Also rutherfordium.

Is rutherfordium a non-metal?

No, rutherfordium is a transition metal on the periodic table.