

Is sandstone organic

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13y ago

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Sandstone is not an organic sedimentary rock, but limestone is.

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Q: Is sandstone organic
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What type of rock is lystone and sandstone?

There is no such ting as "lystone" Sandstone is a sedimentary rock. Limestone is a sedimentary rock of organic origin.

What are rock sediments?

There are organic rocks, like Limestone, and clastic (composed of fragments), like Sandstone. Within these groups there are others, like coal is organic and siltstone is clastic, but even within limestone and sandstone, there are further categories. There's oolitic limestone, chalk and 'shelly' limestones; and arkose, desert sandstone, orthoquartzite (generic sandstone), and others. Conglomerate is an interesting one, if you are after a rock that is not 'normal'.

What is an organic biogenic sedimentary rock - basalt coal sandstone or conglomerate?

Coal is the only rock on the list which is an organic / biogenic sedimentary rock. Sandstone and conglomerate are both clastic sedimentary rocks and basalt is a mafic extrusive igneous rock.

What are some sediment rocks?

There are organic rocks, like Limestone, and clastic (composed of fragments), like Sandstone. Within these groups there are others, like coal is organic and siltstone is clastic, but even within limestone and sandstone, there are further categories. There's oolitic limestone, chalk and 'shelly' limestones; and arkose, desert sandstone, orthoquartzite (generic sandstone), and others. Conglomerate is an interesting one, if you are after a rock that is not 'normal'.

What are examples of organic sedimentary rock?

some examples of organic sedimentary rocks are coal and limestones

What kinds of stone are canyons made of?

Sedimentary, mainly versions of sandstone and limestone, both chemical and/or organic.

What kind of sedimentary rock is made from the remains of organisms or fossils?

Clastic sedimentary rocks, like conglomerate and sandstone.

Is sand an organic catalyst?

Sandstone is a clastic, not organic, sedimentary rock.

Sandstone differs from limestone based on particle size How is their point of origin different?

Limestone is formed from particles derived from organic processes, usually in a marine environment. Sandstone particles are derived from the weathering and erosion of silicate bearing rocks, normally.

How would you classify coal coral reef salt sandstone and conglomerate?

Coal and coral reef limestone are organic sediments salt is an evaporite Sandstone and conglomerate are sedimentary deposit rocks the latter from a high energy environment. They are ALL sedimentary deposits.

List three major groups of sedimentary rock?

Sandstone and shale Actually it is Organic, Clastic, and Chemical

What is a kind of organic sedimentary rock formed from the decayed remains of plants a sandstone b limestone c shale or d coal?

Coal is the only option being a solely organic product. Sandstone, Limestone and Shales may contain considerable amounts of coalified organic matter of marine or continental origin (up to several per cent) but the larger fraction of material is detrital slicates in the case of sandstones and shales and carbonates in the case of a limestone.