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Q: Is sasquatch an Indian name
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How did sasquatch get his name?

Lilke a lot of things such as Sheboygan and Namekagon, it is an approximation of an American Indian term. May have originated in the Pacific Northwest that includes Canadian frontier. For some odd reason Bigfoot or Sasquatch sightings in Alaska have never been publicized.

What was the young lady's name?

Is Ana Sasquatch a young lady? Yes. Ana Sasquatch is a young girl.

What is the origin story of sasquatch?

I don't really think there is an actual orgin. Every Indian tribe across the US have stories about Sasquatch. Sasquatch stories have been around ever since Indians migrated across the land bridge. Some Indian tribes descibe the ape like creature as a ghost. Others believe he shows himself whenever he wants to.

What is a skunk ape?

It is another name for bigfoot or sasquatch. It is Florida's bigfoot's name.

What is the name of the snowman that was a north pole beast?

Bigfoot or Sasquatch.

How do you say sasquatch in Italian?


Where was big foot first seen?

Bigfoot, or as it's often called in Canada, the Sasquatch, is mentioned in several native American legends. In fact, the term "Sasquatch" is Indian for "hairy giant." The first sighting of a Sasquatch by a white man apparently came in 1811 near what now is the town of Jasper, Alberta Canada.

What are the names of mythical creatures like the yeti?

a sasquatch and bigfoot abominable snowman

What is a sasquatch?

A sasquatch is a cryptid that, like Bigfoot, lives in rural places. It is supposed to resemble a very large gorilla/human combo. There has been alot of "proof" of the exsistence of the sasquatch, like footprints and shelters, but nothing solid or concrete.

What is another name for big foot?

Yeti Sasquatch

What do you call a baby bigfoot?

Bigfoot, Plural: Bigfoot, Adult Name: Sasquatch, Plural: Sasquatch