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Yes because sprained backs heal scoliosis can be permanent

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Q: Is scoliosis worse than a sprained back?
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Can I run while treating my sprained ankle?

You can run while treating a sprained ankle but it is not recommended. Running can stop the sprain from healing properly and make it worse than it was before.

What are the symptoms of scoliosis?

A crooked spine. It is treated with a back brace. One symptom of scoliosis is back pain. One indication of it is the shoulders not being even, one being higher than the other, the ribs being uneven, one hip higher than the other, these all vary according to the severity of the scoliosis and the location of it.

What was it like on the front line?

Worse than the back line

Does scoliosis affect equally males and females?

No Scoliosis affects more females than males. I think its about 1 in 10 Scoliosis sufferers are male.

Can scoliosis cause breathing problems?

It might, but you should have a braceing or even surgery before it gets that bad. Scoliosis is not likely to case pain in young patients, but if it grows, it should be braced. Yes it can, I was diagnosed with scoliosis at 10 and wore a back-brace for years. The scoliosis has also deformed my ribs, which causes problems with my lungs, for me, it's not constant, rarely I have shortness of breath, pain while breathing in and out or pressure in my chest (like the wind is knocked out of me). All of these only last for a few seconds at a time (maybe a minute) and not daily, sometimes not even weekly. I was told by my doctor that this is fine unless it gets worse. But I would suggest talking to your doctor about it, your situation may be worse or different than mine. Hope I helped and good luck!

How do you treat kyphosis?

Conventional orthopedic treatment for scoliosis consists of observation only for spinal curves less than 25*, rigid bracing for curves 25-40*, and multiple level spinal fusion surgery for curves 40* or more. Most patients and parents find this treatment model unappealing and thus new efforts to find a scoliosis exercise based approach have been developed in recent years like the Early Stage Scoliosis Intervention program for mild scoliosis or the Scoliosis BootCamp program for moderate to severe scoliosis.

How does scoliosis affect your body?

It depends on how severe the curvature (what DEGREE) is. It can give you back pain, cause your hips to look "crooked", & sometimes your back goes numb (I only speak from personal experience here).

Do more girls have more of a chance of getting scoliosis than guys?

in adolescent scoliosis girls are 6 times more likely to get it than boys

Is it dangerous tp have dextro scoliosis and levoscoliosis?

I have dextro scoliosis and levoscoliosis and curvature is more than 50 degrees

My mom doesn't have scoliosis but can i get scoliosis?

I have scoliosis and no one in my family has had it. So you can get scoliosis even if its not in your family history. There are 3 types of scoliosis, I suggest looking them up, I unfortunatly have the type that no one knows what's causing it. But the 2 other types are well know and if you have it they can probably do more for you than mine.

How is scoliosis different from kyphosi's?

Scoliosis is when the spine is twisted or curved (to some degree) which would often make one hip more prominent than the other or your shoulders at different heights. Kyphosis is when the spine actually 'hunches' forward. As blunt and terrible as it sounds, if you have a very high degree of scoliosis, your back may look like a less severe version of a hunchback. I'm no doctor, but I have experienced both Scoliosis and Kyphosis, so this is what I understand them to be.

What age children can contract scoliosis?

Scoliosis, or curvature of the spine, occurs in about 3 percent of the population and is much more prevelant in girls than boys. Scoliosis can be detected at any childhood age and is not contagious.