

Is scoria a granite rock

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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No. Scoria is a basaltic lava ejected as fragments from a volcano, typically with a frothy texture.

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Q: Is scoria a granite rock
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How is granite different from scoria pumice and obsidian?

granite is extrusive rock

Is granite the lightest rock?

no scoria is the lightest it is volcanic and has many holes in

What is the name of a igneous rock other than basalt and granite?

Diorite, rhyolite, pumice, and scoria.

Is sandstone a scoria granite or pumice?

None of those. Scoria, Pumice and Granite are igneous rocks. Sandstone is sedimentary.

Is scoria nutritious?

No. Scoria is rock. It is inedible.

Is scoria a sedimentary rock?

No. Scoria is an extrusive igneous rock.

Is scoria metamorphic?

no, extrusive because it is made by lava not magma.

Why doesn't granite have air holes like pumice and scoria?

Pumice and scoria are volcanic rock. They form form the lava the erupts from the volcano and contains bubbles from gasses. These bubbles cause the cavities you're calling air holes.

Granite pumica and scoria are igneous rocks Why doesnt granite air have airholes like the other two?

it is because granite is formed by magma that cools under the earth unlike pumica and scoria that form while a volcano erupts.

What are the properties of scoria rock?

Scoria is a highly vesicular (porous), dark colored volcanic rock.

Examples of igneous rock?

Granite basalt pumice aplite scoria

Why doesnt granite have airholes like pumice and scoria?

Pumice and scoria are both extrusive igneous rocks that form when molten rock is ejected from a volcano. In both cases gasses trapped in the magma are released, forming bubbles. Granite, by contrast, is an intrusive rock that forms when molten rock cools deep underground without erupting from a volcano. The magma is under great pressure so that gasses cannot be released. Instead they become part of the mineral structure of the newly form rock.