

Is scourge of bloodclan in a video game?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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There isn't a official Warriors video game but many people can program short games.

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Q: Is scourge of bloodclan in a video game?
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What clan does Scourge belong to?

Scourge first lived in the Twolegplace (Twoleg neghborhood) but then he got his friends/servants to raid into the forest along with Tigerstar's help and called themselves BloodClan. Then, Scourge back-stabbed Tigerstar and ripped him apart along his underbelly, and then Firestar attacked, Scourge died, all the BloodClan warriors retreated to the Twolegplace.

Who are scourge's followers?

Scourge's followers are bloodclan, the stray cats from the two-leg places

Is scourge a boy?

Yes, Scourge is a male character in the Warrior Cats book series by Erin Hunter. He is the leader of BloodClan.

Warrior Cats What clan is Scourge in?

Scourge is not part of a traditional clan in the Warrior Cats series. He leads a group of rogues known as BloodClan.

When does Scourge become leader of Bloodclan in warriors?

Scourge becomes the leader of BloodClan in the book "Warriors: The Darkest Hour," which is the sixth book in the original Warriors series called "The Prophecies Begin."

Who were the rulers of the Bloodclan in Warrior Cats?

The ruler of BloodClan in the Warrior Cats series was Scourge, a black tom with one white paw. He was a ruthless and power-hungry leader who instilled fear in his followers through violence and intimidation. Eventually, he was defeated by Firestar and killed by his own half-brother, Tigerstar.

What is the name of scourge's mate?

Snowshade after he died a she cat named snowshade brought him back to life and scourge saw her and then she joined bloodclan scourge later ask her if she would be her mate and she said yes also they have that on YouTube Snowshade x Scourge

Who killed scourge in the darkest hour?

Tigerstar is responsible for killing Scourge in the book "The Darkest Hour" from the Warriors series. Tigerstar attacks Scourge during a battle between ThunderClan and BloodClan, but Scourge ultimately dies from his injuries after the battle.

How firestar lost a life?

Firestar lost a life in the battle of bloodclan when scourge clawed his head.

Who are the remaining BloodClan warriors?

The remaining BloodClan warriors are Scourge, Brick, and Bone, who are the leaders of the clan. They are considered the last members of BloodClan after the defeat of their army at the paws of the Clans.

What was the clan that firestar created to attack bloodclan?

Firestar created SkyClan to help defend against and attack BloodClan. SkyClan was a group of cats who lived outside the forest territories and were brought back to help defeat Scourge and his BloodClan warriors.

When does Warriors scourge appear?

Scourge appears in the Warriors series in the book "Warriors: The Darkest Hour," which is the fourth and final book in the first series, "Warriors: The Prophecies Begin." Scourge plays a significant role in this book as the leader of BloodClan.