

Is scouse the same as stew?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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14y ago

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Although it does contain either the cheapest cuts of lamb or beef, scouse (lobscouse) would be more properly called by its most predominent ingredient; potato stew. Scouse is an English dish and has no place in Scottish cuisine.

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What is a scouser?

A scouser is someone who is from Liverpool. They speak scouse and have a stew called scouse. :D

Where does the word scouse originate?

from the person who built Liverpool his name was something scouse. I am a scouser and I have ate scouse once it is just the same as stew. I am 13 and love living in Liverpool! great answer from the lad above but unfortunatley not true. the word "scouse" originates from an old seamans meal probably tracing its past back to the old germanic "labskaus" which was a stew with the cheapest parts of the animal its meat could provide mixed with potatoes and anything else that could be thrown in ( a poormans meal). it became known as "lobscouse" and is known in parts of lancashire and the north of England as "lobby". the meal differs from place to place but was made famous by the liverpudlians who by cause or nature turned it into their traditional dish; hence the word "scouse" and the nickname of "scousers" referring to folk from Liverpool. what the lad above was referring to is a legend that a giant called "john scouse" built Liverpool, sorry lad, this is a bit of our scouse propaganda I'm afraid, would be great if it were true though. scousers are known to be funny hard knocks, so do not mess with them!

Who came up with the phrase scouser?

No one person came up with it. 'scouse' comes from the Norweigian 'lapskaus', a lamb and vegetable stew, commonly eaten by working-class Liverpudlians. Liverpudlian dialects first became known as a 'scouse' accent due to this, and from there came 'scousers'.

When was Scouse the Mouse created?

Scouse the Mouse was created on 1977-12-09.

What is scouse?

Scouse is an ancient English language in Liverpool and some urban areas near it.

How do you pronounce the word scouse?

The word "scouse" is usually pronounced as "skows."

What is Liverpools dialect?


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A scouse is a person who lives in which british city?

A person from Liverpool is referred to as "a scouser". Scouse is a dish eaten there and gave its name to the accent spoken there.

Why are people from Liverpool called scousers?

because they were born to be scousers lol come on liver pool fc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! welshy 2k9

What is the scouse name for the Anglican cathedral?

at is the name of the anglican

What does the scouse slang word ain mean?

meaning 'your own'