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Q: Is sea sponge biotic factor of the ocean?
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Are dish sponges animals harvested in the ocean?

lol, no!! They are just called the same thing. A dish sponge washes dishes. A sea sponge is a sponge lives in the ocean. Take SPONGEbob for example: sponge lives in sea is not green and yellow is only yellow talks what do you think it is? sea sponge or dish sponge? sea of course!!!!! sponge bob isn't greean on one side so its definitly sea sponge.

Where is the sea sponge found in the ocean?

In the toiletries section.

What is the temperature of a sea sponge?

I think it depends on where the ocean is.

Does sea sponge live in the Atlantic ocean?


How did the creators of SpongeBob come up with the idea of a sponge?

Many people wonder why they would make it as a sponge in the ocean. Well, there is such ocean creature called a ''sea sponge'' that looks nothing like a real sponge, but is a living plant that sits at the bottom of the ocean and absorbs water. Sorry, to fellow Spongebob fans, a sea sponge does not live in a pineapple.

How is sponge bob adapted to its habitat?

Spongebob is a animal called a sea-sponge which is a type of coral but portrayed as an actual sponge unless he is a sponge that has been thrown into the ocean.

Why do ocean sponges depend on the ocean?

because the ocean sponge gets bigger by absobing the sea water to stay alive

How do sea sponges look like?

They look like a big chunk of a sponge under the ocean and sea.

Are volcanic eruptions biotic or abiotic factors?

It is abiotic

What is an example of a sponge?

a kitchen sponge sea spone purple sponge (sea sponge)

Is a sponge a hetetotroph?

Yes, because it cannot create its own food substance. A sea sponge requires the ocean current to bring particles which it eats.