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At the levels at which the three are normally found in the environment, second-hand smoke is by far the most dangerous.

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Q: Is second hand smoke as dangerous as arsenic and radon?
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What are the diseases caused by air pollution?

If the pollution in the air is cigarette smoke you can develope lung cancer. Second hand smoke is dangerous.

Do the non-smoking sections in a restaurant protect you from second-hand smoke?

No you are still breathing in the smoke and therefore just as dangerous.

Is 2nd hand smoke bad if you breathe through your nose?

YES, second hand smoke is dangerous breathed in regardless of nose or mouth. In fact second hand smoke has been proven to be just as harmful as if you were smoking yourself.

Is radon an acid?

No, Radon is not an acid. It is a slightly radioactive gas which slowly emits from rocks such as granite and others. It can accumulate in basements or poorly ventilated buildings and even be in well water which may escape into a house. Although there is no direct proof that it is dangerous theoretical calculations indicate that it may cause lung cancer. Governments around the world have instituted various anti-radon programs and some have expended large amounts of money to "abate" the problem. Compared to smoking or even second hand smoke the probability of cancer from radon is unmeasurable and there has never been a clear case of cancer from radon ever proven. On the list of stuff to worry about it is likely near the bottom.

Is smoke from a broken tv dangerous to inhale for just a second?

yes, but it won't kill you if you aren't exposed long

Why is second hand smoking more dangerous than actually smoking?

It isn't, its just usually 'second hand smoke' is being inhaled by a 'non-smoker' The active smoker receives the primary smoke and because he shares the environs where the primary smoke is created he inevitably receives the secondary smoke equally.

How are the nΓΆn-smokers affected?

Non-smokers are affected by the smoke that is given off when the smokers, smoke. It's called second hand smoke and it's as dangerous (or even more) than juts regularly smoking.

How do you deal with second hand smoke?

There is evidence that this is more dangerous than smoking itself. The best thing is to avoid being in the presence of someone smoking. Ask them to smoke outside.

Is Radon is the number one cause of lung cancer among people who do not smoke.?

Yes, radon is a very important cause of lung cancers for the non-smoking peoples.

What are the symphtoms of second and smoke?

Secondhand smoke is just as dangerous if not more dangerous than firsthand smoke. In fact, 50% of the smoke from a cigarette turns into secondhand smoke. Also, when one is sucking on a cigarette, though it is very damaging, they blow out the smoke and also have the filter on the cigarette. By the time smoke gets to another person, they may just inhale it and cough, unknowing that they've just inhaled a lot of secondhand smoke. They also have no filter to protect them.

How do most people get lung cancer?

The majority of people who get Lung Cancer according to some studies, is smoking. There are other ways to get Lung Cancer like second hand smoke, radon gas and Asbestos.

What are the primary causes of lung cancer?

Tobacco products, smoke inhalation, air pollution, asbestos and radon.