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Q: Is secretory endometrium means early pregnancy?
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What does trilaminar endometrium mean?

"Trilaminar emdometrium" is a term generally applied to the (ultra)sonographic pattern of the endometrium. It speaks to the "shape" of the interuterine area and, by default the echoic properties of the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus. Let's back up. The uterine lining, the endometrium, undergoes changes throughout a woman's menstrual cycle. In cases where a woman is undergoing some sort of fertility treatment, sonography reveals something about the characteristics of the endometrium, and investigators may suspect that conditions may or may not be favorable to fertilization and conception based on what they see in the sonogram. A trilaminar endometrium is more favorable than non-trilaminar. What seems the case is that if the "general shape" of the image is a trilaminar endometrium, then the conditions for favorable outcomes in insemination attempts are improved over non-trilaminar sonography. There is not guarantee, but in the clearly non-trilaminar imaging, no pregnancies occurred in the studies.

What is 66 hcg?

that means you have a very early pregnancy

What does chorionic villi and gestational endometrium mean as the results of a DC?

It means that the tissue removed during the D&C represented some of the tissues you'd find during a pregnancy, but there's no mention of an embryo.

Can a period end a pregnancy?

if you are early along in your pregnancy a period usually means the end of your pregnancy. i'm sure there are other poosible reasons but i dont know of them.

What is the meaning of the endometrium is homogeneous?

When the endometrium is described as homogeneous, it means that its thickness and texture appear to be uniform throughout on imaging studies like ultrasound or MRI. This suggests that there are no areas of abnormal growths, such as polyps or tumors, within the endometrial lining.

What type of gland does not branch before reaching the secretory portion?

A simple gland communicates with the surface by means of a duct that does not branch before reaching the glandular cells or secretory portion.

What does basal layer means in epidermis?

The function of the deep basal layer of the endometrium is to regenerate a new superficial layer (termed the functional layer) of endometrium for each menstrual cycle.

What does 229 Hcg level mean?

Hcg is the level of a pregnancy hormone that increases throughout the pregnancy. An Hcg level of 229 means that a woman is in the very early stages of pregnancy, or is having a miscarriage.

What does the blue line mean on an rite aid early pregnancy test?

it means that youre pregnant. no line is "not pregnant"

What if you dont hear the baby hearts beat?

it depends how far along in the pregnancy. in the first month it can sometimes be to early to hear, if it is later in the pregnancy that typically means the baby has passed away.

What doe's ovulating mean?

Ovulation occurs on the 14th day of a woman menstrual cycle. This means the corpus luteum develops, which produces progesterone. This hormone causes the endometrium to become oedematous and the secretory glands produce increased amounts of watery mucus. The ovum can only survive a short time after ovulation - if the ovum is not fertilised by a sperm cell, menstruation occurs and a new cycle begins.

Can implantation occur during a period?

No, I'm afraid not. If your period has started, that means that the endometrium has started to degrade and pass out of the body via the vagina. The endometrium is where the fertilised egg would implant, without it implantation cannot occur.