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yes definately. I find its best to see for yourself how you are going to plan , organize and manage your time around what you want to achieve in life. Learn your own methodology to study for an exam, create your own exams and create your own questions and your own critical thinking in your life's path.

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Q: Is self managed learning a skill?
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What is learning to learn skill?

Learning a new skill.

What is self managed learning?

Self management learning: Ian Cunningham introduced the term SML in late 70's. He defined SML as "…idealized adult action learning", Self-managed learning is a technique by which a group or person gain knowledge of things by finding diverse ways. In the living society or in diversified working environment a person or group can find the ways where they used to live or work. SML also used for defining the goals for the learning. For evaluation of the motives for learning and approaches to achieve such goals it helps. Self management learning enables a learner to be more aware of how to gain key goals using live work issues.

What are learning skills?

A learning skill can be, the way you think in a subject, how you feel that helps you work in class. A SKILL!!

Which skill is most important in learning to write?

Fine Motor Skill

What is learner?

A learner is a person who is learning a subject or skill. In the case of College Football it would be a new player who is learning what to do and not to do when playing football. Also this is true for many other areas of educating one's self. It includes academics.

What is self learning?

self learning is the way of studying which depend by our self for our research and for improve our knowledge

What is meant by self-management learning?

Self management learning: Ian Cunningham introduced the term SML in late 70's. He defined SML as "…idealized adult action learning", Self-managed learning is a technique by which a group or person gain knowledge of things by finding diverse ways. In the living society or in diversified working environment a person or group can find the ways where they used to live or work. SML also used for defining the goals for the learning. For evaluation of the motives for learning and approaches to achieve such goals it helps. Self management learning enables a learner to be more aware of how to gain key goals using live work issues.

What is a child learner?

A learner is a person who is learning a subject or skill. In the case of college football it would be a new player who is learning what to do and not to do when playing football. Also this is true for many other areas of educating one's self. It includes academics.

What skill self consciously monitors their cognitive activities and the elements used in those activities?

This skill is known as self-regulation.

Which cognitive skill self-consciously monitors their cognitive activities and the elements used in those activities?

Metacognition is the cognitive skill that allows individuals to monitor and control their own cognitive processes, such as planning, monitoring, and evaluating their thinking and learning activities. It involves being aware of one's own thoughts, knowledge, and strategies and being able to regulate and adapt them as needed.

Is a multiple choice type of test to determine learning of manipulative skill like focusing a microscope?

Multiple choice tests are not considered to determine learning of a manipulative skill. The correct answer could be chosen by guessing and not by skill.

What cognitive skill self-consciously monitors their cognitive activities and the elements used in those activities?

This skill is known as self-regulation.