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You need a lawyer to get a legal, correct and current answer.

Added: The answer is yes. Selling an item known to be stolen is against the law, and it is against the law if you buy illegal contraband with the proceeds (i.e.: Two charges: onefor dealing in stolen property - two for possession of narcotics.

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Q: Is selling a stolen firearm for drugs a separate charge?
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Can you be aressted if a firearm is stolen?

If you're found to be in possession of a stolen firearm, expect to be taken into custody. If their investigation determines that you were knowingly in possession of a stolen firearm, then you'll be charged.

What degree is a stolen firearm?

(in the US) The degree of the crime is determined by the value of the item stolen, and whether or not it crosses the value line into being a felony offense. There is no specific criminal charge for theft of a firearm, unless a felon (or convicted felon) happens to be the one that steals it. Then the penalty is enhanced by the fact that this is a convicted felon in possession of a firearm.

What do you do with a missing or stolen firearm?

Report it.

How much time do you spend in jail for possession of a stolen firearm?

"Burglary" and "Theft" is burglary and theft - period. There are no enhanced penalites simply because of WHAT was stolen. HOWEVER - if by stealing firearms you run afoul of firearms laws (both state and/or federal) those violations can be added onto the burglary or theft charges as separate offenses - one charge for every illegal firearm possession (i.e.: steal 20 guns you could get charged with 20 separate offenses).

If a man steals a cow in California but sells the cow in Nevada what court would hear his case?

California, and they would charge him with theft, trafiking stolen goods, and selling stolen goods

Is being in possession of a a stolen firearm a felony?


What is the charge for illegal possession of a firearm?

Depends on how oppressive your government is. Where I live, there is no such charge; the common people run the government, are presumed to be responsible, and and the citizenry is encouraged to posses firearms.

When a gun is reported stolen will it always be in the system?

When a stolen firearm is entered into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) it remains on that records until it is recovered, and removed from the database.Added: The above response is correct BUT - it does not answer the original question. A stolen firearm will be entered into NCIC IF the complainant is able to supply the firearm's serial number.

Is this firearm stolen colt 1851 cap and ball?

You will have to contact the police to see if it has been reported stolen.

Is it a crime to use a stolen firearm in self defense?

yes it is

How do you report a stolen firearm?

call local law enforcement

Bought stolen firearm at a gun show 15 years ago?

unless you knew it was stolen you are OK. There must be knowledge that you knew it was stolen to procecute you