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All of the selenium fluoridesSeF4, SeF6, SeF2, and Se2F2 are covalent

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Selenium fluoride is a covalent compound.

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Q: Is sellnium flouride an ionic or covelent?
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NH4Cl is an ionic bond. Ammonium (NH4+) is a positively charged ion and chloride (Cl-) is a negatively charged ion, resulting in an electrostatic attraction between them.

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Mg(OH)2 is considered to be ionic.

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Will Nitrogen bond with flouride to form ionic bond?

no. they will form covalent bond

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The three types of chemical formuals are: empirical, molecular, and structural.

How does ionic bonding occur in sodium flouride?

Ionic bonding in sodium fluoride occurs when sodium, a metal, transfers one electron to fluorine, a nonmetal. Sodium becomes a positively charged cation, while fluorine becomes a negatively charged anion. The opposite charges between the two atoms attracts them to each other and forms an ionic bond.

What is the bond type of HF?

HF (Hydrogen Flouride) is an ionic bond in all states.

Is sodium flouride covalent or ionic?

Sodium fluoride is ionic. Sodium, as a metal, donates an electron to fluorine, a non-metal, resulting in the formation of an ionic bond between the two elements.

Is NaIO3 covelent?

No, NaIO3 is not covalent. It is an ionic compound composed of sodium cation (Na+) and periodate anion (IO3^-). Ionic compounds form bonds through electrostatic attraction between positively and negatively charged ions.