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No, separating sand from water is a physical process as the chemical identities of the sand and water remain the same.

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Q: Is separting sand from water a chemical reaction?
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Is sand and water a chemical reaction or a physical reaction?

Sand and water do not react, they simply mix. This is a physical process.

Is separating sand from water a chemical reaction?

No. It's a physical reaction.

Is filtering sand from water a chemical reaction?

No, it is a physical reaction because it doesn't undergo any change in chemical properties.

When you shake sand and water in a test tube you get a?

Any chemical reaction between sand and water. Some soluble impurities of sand are dissolved, the insoluble material is sedimented.

Is adding sand and water a physical change or a chemical reaction?

It is a physical change, as the nature of the sand remains the same, only its position is changed by wave action.

Is making gas from sand a chemical or physical reaction?

Gas is not prepared from sand.

What is the procedures in finding the difference between a mixture and a compound?

a compound is a substance formed from a chemical reaction. In mixture no chemical reaction occurs at the combining of them and can be easily seperated. e.g sand and water through filter paper

What kind of chemical relation is wet sand?

In general, water and sand do not have a chemical relationship. Something might happen if the sand grains are partially composed of a mineral that is water soluble. In that case, water will dissolve water soluble material in sand. But that is a physicalactivity and not a chemical one. Water and sand do not react chemically.

Classify the following as a chemical and physical changes 1cooking of food 2.freezing of water 3.drying of clothes 4.mixing of iron nails and sand?

With a physical reaction, some of the substance changes, but the stubstance is still the same. A chemical reaction on the other hand, is hard to reverse. Physical: freezing of water, drying of clothes, mixing of iorn nails and sand Chemical: cooking of food

What happens to sand when it gets wet?

Some of the sand will sink to the bottom of the water. There is no chemical reaction. However, some of the sand may go into suspension, making the water muddy. This is a physical change that can be reversed by filtering the muddy water.

Is sand and water mixed a chemical and physical change?


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