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Q: Is shango and John the Baptist the same person?
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Are John the Baptizer and John the Baptist the same person?

Yes. they are different ways of descibing the same person.

In the synoptic gospel of John is John the Baptist the same person?

No. John the Baptist did not write any books in the New Testament.

Are Salome and Elizabeth the same person the mother of John the Baptist?

Elizabeth is the mother of John. Salome is the one that had John killed.

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Is St Elizabeth of Hungary and St. Elizabeth the same person?

The name St. Elizabeth usually refers to the mother of John the Baptist who is a different person from Elizabeth of Hungary.

Who was born around the same time as Jesus?

John the Baptist.

Did the same Herod who killed the male children during Christ's infancy kill John the Baptist?

No, he wasn't. It was his son who ordered the death of the John the Baptist.

Was John the Baptist mentioned more than Jesus by Josephus?

About the same.

What are facts about the apostle John?

The apostle John was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus and the author of the Gospel of John, three epistles, and the book of Revelation in the Bible. He is often referred to as "the disciple whom Jesus loved" and was known for his profound understanding of love and spirituality. John is believed to have lived a long life and played a significant role in the early Christian church.

John the Apostel and John the Baptist are not the same person?

No. They are not the same. St John the Apostle was a former fisherman who was called to be one of the twelve disciples whom Jesus taught and trained during his ministry here on earth (Luke 5:1-11). John the Baptist was Jesus' cousin, born to Elizabeth and Zacharias (Luke 1:1-80; 3:1-18) who preached repentance to the Jews prior to Jesus' earthly ministry. John the Baptist is also call the "forerunner" of Christ because of his ministry to prepare others to receive Jesus' message of salvation.