

Best Answer

The parts of speech are:

  • she-pronoun (subject of the sentence)
  • wrote-verb
  • two-adjective
  • words-noun (direct object)
  • board-noun (indirect object)
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Q: Is she wrote 2 words on the board a noun or verb?
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Is board a noun or a verb?

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What are the phrases of noun?

A noun phrase is any word or group of words based on a noun or pronoun (without a verb) that can function in a sentence as a subject, object of a verb or a preposition. A noun phrase can be one word or many words. Examples:She is nice.The board meeting is at two.I brought some of my mother's homemade cookies.

What verb phrase consists of?

A noun and a verb in a group of words.

What does verb phrase consist of?

A verb phrase consists of a main verb and any auxiliary (or helping) verbs that accompany it. The auxiliary verbs can include modal verbs like "can," "will," or "may," as well as forms of "to be," "to have," or "to do." Together, these verbs form a complete verb unit that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being in a sentence.

Is bone a verb?

No, it is not a verb. It is a noun. Verbs are action words.

Is Steak a noun or verb or adjective or adverb?

noun, it is a thing. a verb is what you do and an adjective is discriptive words

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Examples of words that function as a noun, a verb, or an adjective are:averagebettercounterexpressglassgreenhomelikepalepresentshorttime

What part of speech is copies?

Copy can be a verb or a noun. Verb: Please copy the homework assignment from the board. Noun: You must provide a copy of your license.

Is the word word a noun or verb?

The word 'word' is both a noun (word, words) and a verb (word, words, wording, worded).Examples:What is the word for H2SO4? (noun)I don't know how to word the request. (verb)

Is ''we eat lunch'' a noun phrase?

No, "We eat lunch." is a complete sentence.A noun phrase is any word or group of words based on a noun or pronoun (without a verb) that can function in a sentence as a subject, object of a verb or a preposition. A noun phrase can be one word or many words. Examples:We eat lunch at noon.The board meeting is at two.I brought some of my mother's homemade cookies.