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A hydrocarbon composed of short carbon chains will ignite more easily, just think how flammable petrol is!

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Q: Is short carbon chains of hydrocarbon easier to flow or long?
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Related questions

What are short hydrocarbon chains useful for?

Those are gas compounds. We can use it as a fuel.

Is a short-chain hydrocarbon more viscous than a long chain hydrocarbon?

Typically the shorter the carbon chain, the LESS viscous the hydrocarbon. The longer the chain, the MORE viscous the hydrocarbon. For example consider the viscosity and molecular size in: Gasoline < Diesel < Motor Oil < Tar Viscosity increases with the molecular size and length of hydrocarbon chain.

What is the difference between a short-chain and a long-chain hydrocarbon?

short chain hydrocarbons have a low boiling and melting point whereas high chain hydrocarbons have a higher boiling and melting point. Also, short chain hydrocarbons have a low density and higher ones have a higher density. :)

Which fractions will ignite more easily short carbon chains or long carbon chains?

Fractions that boil at lower temperatures are known as 'highly flammable. They are used as: Liquefied Petroleum Gas Chemicals Petrol for vehicles

Does longer hydrocarbon molecules have higher boiling points than short hydrocarbon molecules?


What is in a atom of propane?

An atom of propane is a hydrocarbon of the alkane group, it's chemical formula is C4H10, it is a short chain molecule as it only has 4 atoms of carbon in its molecule.

Short chain alcohol soluble?

Alcohol is an organic compound that has a hydroxyl functional group bound to a carbon atom. A short-chain alcohol have alkyl chains of one to three carbons.

Do short hydrocarbon molecules flow easily?


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Hotel chains use short-haul applications

Is petrol a short chain hydrocarbon?

Yes, it is infact a short chain molecule :D

Are short hydrocarbon molecules volatile?

Short-chain hydrocarbon molecules excluding methane and ethane are considered to be volatile organic compounds. Generally this is defined as the range from propane to octane,

Why monosaccarides are soluble in water and sweet in teste and strach is not?

It's because monosaccarides are of short in carbon chains,but polysaccarides are very long,leading to their tastlessness,insolubility