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Q: Is short patent flour and all purpose the same thing?
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Can you substitute plain flour for all purpose flour in baking a cake?

yes. They are the same thing. Plain flour is an Australian term where all-purpose is the American.

What's in plain flour that isn't in any other flours?

When you say plain flour, I think you mean all-purpose flour. The only thing in all-purpose flour is ground wheat. Self-rising flour has salt and baking powder in it. Most recipes call for using all-purpose flour.

Can you substitute all purpose flour for unbleached?

Yes. All-purpose flour and unbleached flour are usually the same thing. Just be sure that the package doesn't say something like 'self rising', 'bread flour', or 'cake flour' - those ARE NOT all-purpose flour.

Is all purpose flour the same as plain flour?

All-purpose flour is the same thing as plain flour. The terms are simply different for different parts of the world. In Australia and the United Kingdom, it is known as plain flour while in the United States and Canada it is known as All-Purpose Flour. This type of flour has a lower amount of gluten protein than bread flour, but more than baking flour so it is balanced and can be used for a wide range of purposes.

Can you use plain flour instead of white flour?

Yes, assuming that by "plain flour" you mean all-purpose flour. Because all three sound like the exact same thing.

When making homemade dinner rolls and you do not have enough all purpose flour will cake flour work?

yes you can. it is pretty much the same thing.

Can hamsters eat all purpose flour?

hamsters can eat flour it wont make them sick at all any food that does't have much taste and not that much of any thing is ok to feed you hamster ( i have fed my hamster flour and nothing happened)

Is it better to use cake flour for baking cookies or all purpose flour?

Yes, Cake flour can be used instead of all purpose flour but cake flour will make it more dense because it produced more gluten than all purpose flour.Clarification:If you use cake flour instead of all purpose flour, use 1 cup plus two tablespoons cake flour for every cup all purpose flour called for in the recipe. For example, if the recipe calls for 2 cups all purpose flour, you would use 2 cups plus 4 tablespoons cake flour.The results won't be exactly as if you used all purpose flour, but this is the standard substitution ratio.

Can you substitute all purpose flour for rice flour?

Ordinary flour, also known as wheat flour, can't be used as a reliable substitute for rice flour. Wheat flour has different properties. Rice flour takes on the flavor of the food it is prepared with, while wheat flour has a strong flavor of its own. Rice flour does not contain gluten, which acts as a binding agent, and wheat flour does. Wheat flour tends to form clumps of dough when mixed with water, while rice flour tends to form a smooth batter, the consistency of thick paste. If you substitute wheat flour for rice flour in a recipe, the taste, texture, and amounts used will be incorrect and the recipe may fail completely. Corn starch, tapioca starch and potato starch are better substitutes for rice flour.

Are Patent Binding and Perfect Binding the same?

Yes, patent binding, perfect binding and adhesive binding are the same thing.

Is there a type of patent that protects the whole idea of a product?

You would want a patent for whatever portion of it is a new "thing" or a new use of an existing thing. If you're making a large and complex product, it does benefit you to patent discrete sections of it separately, as it will be easier to patent improvements to a small section than to the entire thing, and you will likely be able to license other uses of the smaller parts.

How do you make flour-less bread?

there is no such thing