

Is silicon magnetic

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Uh, no. It would have to be metal. It is normally non-magnetic BUT it CAN be magnetic if combined with one or more metals.

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Q: Is silicon magnetic
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Silicon a magnetic?

Silicon is a diamagnetic chemical element (not magnetic).

Is silicon magnetic or non magnetic?

It non magnetic

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No. Silicon dioxide, the main component of glass, is nonmagnetic and is insoluble in water.

Why core is made up of silicon steel?

produces magnetic properties,such as small hysteresis area and permeability Hysteresis loss depends upon the material of the core

Consider the silicon-29 isotope. How many protons neutrons and electrons will it have?

The silicon-29 isotope is used extensively in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance or NMR spectroscopy. It has 14 electrons, 14 protons and 15 neutrons.

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Silicon hexabromide

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Magnetic materials are substances that are attracted to a magnet, such as iron, nickel, and cobalt. Non-magnetic materials, on the other hand, are not attracted to magnets and include materials like wood, plastic, and glass.

What are the elements found in sand?

Silicon and oxygen, in this form. SiO2 Silicon dioxide.

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silicon and germanium

Is silicon similar to a non-metal?

no it is not a nonmetal. Silicon is a metalloid

Why does a single phase AC series motor have a very short air gap?

All motors (and, indeed, generators) have a very narrow air gap. This is because the air gap forms part of the machine's magnetic circuit.A 'magnetic circuit' is the path in which the magnetic field produced by the machine's field windings is constrained, and is made up of silicon-steel in series with a very narrow air gap.Air has a very much higher reluctance (equivalent to resistance in an electric circuit) than the silicon-steel part of the magnetic circuit to the formation of flux and, so, must be kept as narrow as possible because reluctance is directly-proportional to the length of the air gap.

What makes up silicon?

silicon is an element and is only composed of silicon