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Sleeping is describing more than 2 hours of sleep. And Naps are 2 or less.

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Q: Is sleeping and taking a nap the same thing?
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What do we do when we have a nap?

When we have a nap, we take a short rest; it is not as long as sleeping, usually 15 minutes, but in some context it is sleeping, so we call it a 'nap'.

How is the letter z like a nap?

The letter Z is related to sleeping and snoring, and so is a nap, which is why the letter Z is like a nap.

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Sal and Phoebe saw Mrs. Finney taking a nap in her car parked at the Euclid Avenue bus stop.

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How does dr short nap prescribe sleeping pills?

In Small Dozes

How do you overcome fatigue?

By taking a quick nap

Where should your passengers be while you are tired?

If you are tired you should not be driving, so you will be in the same place as they are, on the side of the road taking a long nap.

In sonic adventure 2 battle are the hours you spend with your chao collective or do you have to keep playing for four hours?

It is collective. Unless it is taking a nap. A chao takes a nap for 3 minutes. If you leave the garden while it is taking a nap, when you go back in, its nap time will start over.

What does it mean to take a nap?

To sleep for a few minutes or a short period of time. A nap can be 10 minutes or 2 hours. A cat nap is a quick. short power nap. only 10 to 15 minutes long. Sleeping can be a nap as long as you don't sleep for longer than 3 hours.

Is sleeping in the afternoon good?

If is only a little nap i o.k. for your body. but if is for long hours is not good.

Is there any feel of getting sleep after meditation?

Meditation, when done properly, will revive you in the same way a nap does. Turning down thoughts allows your body to relax to the point as one does when sleeping.

What is the average time sleeping span of a cat?

Cats are long nappers. Sleeping, for cats, is a way to conserve energy. They usually nap for 12 - 16 hours.