

Is smoking weeding or drinking alcohol worse?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Back in 18th Centuary the slantly people in the world such as the asians used to smoke weed whilst drinking port. But then that all changed, the asians started stuffing weed buds in each others rear ends causing them to be chumps.

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15y ago
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Q: Is smoking weeding or drinking alcohol worse?
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1 drink daily for women and 1-2 drinks daily for men are good for most people whereas smoking has no benefits and is always detrimental.

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Which is worse drinking or smoking?

Smoking.AnswerDepends. Smokers are IIRC four times more likely to die from the health consequencs of smoking than drinkers are to die from the health consequences of drinking, e.g., cirrhosis of the liver. But smoking doesn't impair your performance at work or school, damage your brain, or ruin your life when you're young. No one ever lost his job and family because he smoked too much, or killed the occupants of an oncoming car, or ended up attending AA meetings or a bum in the gutter. So smoking seems to be worse from the health perspective, drinking from the perspective of the effect it has on your day-to-day life when you're younger. An alternative answer:It depends on whom you ask! Tobacco Control will tell you smoking and 'Alcohol Control' will tell you drinking. And, there again, 'Obesity Control' will tell you eating Big Macs. The honest answer is that they haven't the slightest idea. Any medical condition is not 'caused' by a single cause but has several or many contributing factors. These factors enormously from one person to another.Almost forgot! A politician will tell you the biggest vote winner. The pharmaceutical company will tell you the one they stand to make most bucks on .