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i think it is poor but i thought again ithink it is good conductor . and btw i still don't know if snow is a good or poor conductor of heat lol

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Q: Is snow a good conductor or a poor conductor of heat?
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Is snow a poor conductor or good conductor of heat?

i think it is poor but i thought again ithink it is good conductor . and btw i still don't know if snow is a good or poor conductor of heat lol

Is snow a good conductor of heat?

No. Snow is actually a good insulator.

Is ice a poor conductor of heat?

Yes. Ice conducts heat poorly, snow even more so - snow is a great insulator. one of the best! Ice has a high specific heat too (it takes a lot of energy to raise the temperature of ice).

Is snow a good conductor of electricity?

Snow, is sort a good because for the kids to play with it...and on the other side its bad moms and dads have to clean it up so,...Snow is pretty good and bad 50/50...!

Is the Impala a good car in the snow?

They are about average in the snow. They are not known for great handling in the snow but are also not known for poor handling.

Why is air a good insulator?

Yes air is a poor conductor but a good convector. As far as electricity is concerned, without ions air becomes an insulator. As far as heat is concerned due to lose package of molecules conduction is very poor as conduction is mainly due to vibration of bond molecules.

Why are materials such as wood and fur and feathers and even snow good insulators?

Feathers grow with a hollow central shaft. From the shaft, interlocking barbs grow. These interlocking barbs trap air and therefore provide insulation from the cold, help to block the sun's UV rays, and repel water.

At what stores or websites can I buy fake snow?

Wal-Mart has fake snow, but its quality is poor. I would try Hawkins Bazaar. The snow is of good quality and looks real, and is only about three dollars.

What UK courier service has the best record for deliveries during snow and poor weather conditions?

A good one.

What causes snow to melt in spring?

The sun rays (heat) from the sun melt away the snow. The snow has to be cold to remain snow or it will melt.

Why don't conductor rails short out in the snow?

Snow provide flowing water between conductors which decreased insulation drastically. Insulation is very important parameter in high voltage cases. so snow provides short cct in conductor rails.

How does the wool on a sheep's back keep them warm?

Wool is an okay insulator, but the lanolin in the wool is the stuff that really keeps the sheep warm. It wicks away melted snow and is a better heat conductor, so it warms up the fleece using body heat.