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Sodium borohydride is a base. It is an inorganic compound with the formula NaBH4 and is a white solid that is a reducing agent.

It should NOT be confused withSodium bicarbonate, which is baking soda.

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11y ago
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2d ago

Sodium borohydride is a weakly basic compound. It can act as a reducing agent in reactions by donating a hydride ion (H-) to reduce substances.

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16y ago

yes, the sodium takes off, and the acid donates a hydrogen to the borohydride ion.

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13y ago

Boron does not react with hydrochloric acid. See related link.

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12y ago

i m also serching for it

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Q: Is sodium borohydride an acid or base?
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Is sodium borohydrate same as sodium borohydride?

Yes, sodium borohydride is the same as sodium borohydride. It is a commonly used reducing agent in organic chemistry.

Is sodium borohydride acidic or basic?

Sodium borohydride is a basic compound. It acts as a weak reducing agent in various chemical reactions.

What msds is sodium borohydride?

Sodium borohydride is a common laboratory chemical used as a reducing agent. Its Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) would provide information on its physical and chemical properties, health hazards, safety precautions, and first-aid measures in case of exposure. You can usually find the MSDS for sodium borohydride on the website of the manufacturer or supplier.

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Erik H. Jensen has written: 'A study on sodium borohydride' -- subject(s): Sodium borohydride

What is the name of the molecule with the formula NABH4?

Sodium borohydride

What is the reduction potential of sodium borohydride?

-1.24 v

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Sodium Carbonate is a base.

Is sodium bicarbonate considered an acid or a base?

It is a base .... at least to my chemical knowledge

Is sodium and acid or base?


Is sodium borohydride the same as sodium borate does it have the same reaction mixed in water?

No, sodium borohydride and sodium borate are different compounds with different chemical properties. Sodium borohydride is a reducing agent commonly used in chemical reactions to reduce aldehydes and ketones, while sodium borate (borax) is a salt often used in cleaning products. Their reactions in water would also be different due to their distinct chemical structures and properties.

What strong acid and strong base produce sodium sulfate?

The strong acid sulfuric acid (H2SO4) reacts with the strong base sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to produce sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) and water (H2O) as products in a neutralization reaction.

Is sodium saccharin an acid or base?

Sodium saccharin is a weak acid. It is commonly used as an artificial sweetener and has a slightly acidic taste.