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A sound is a vibration that propagates in a substance. In solids, it can be either transversal or longitudinal. In a gas and a liquid, only longitudinal waves are possible.

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Sonar or sound waves are transverse.

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Q: Are sound waves transvers or longitudnal?
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What are the two sound waves called?

Longitudnal waves and Transverse Waves

Are gamma waves transverse?

Yes it is because it is in the electromagnetic spectrum and the other wave type longitudnal is for sound waves

How is sound energy used to produce and transmitted?

sound energy can be transmitted from gases,plasma andliquids and as longitudinal waves, also called a compression waves. it requires a medium to propagate. through solids it can be transmitted as both longitudnal waves and transverse waves

What type of movement does a surface wave have?

surface waves also known as longitudnal waves . they travels at constant speed on the circumference of the earth

What does the L in l-waves stand for?

l waves are the slowest our waves . They are also called "Long Waves" . They travel along the surface of the Earth . They are the ones that people notice the most .

What is a transvers wave?

If the simple harmonic vibrations are in perpendicular direction to the direction of propagation of the wave then it is said to be transverse. Example: waves on the surface of water.

Are surface waves compression waves or transverse waves?

First, it's not called compression wave but a longitudinal wave, second, neither and both because it's a mix of both. For it looks like a transvers, but moves in circles like a longitudinal wave.

Does sound produce waves?

Yes sound does produce waves. These special waves are called sound waves.

What sound waves do?

Sound waves carry sound

Sound waves are examples of what?

sound waves are a example of mechanical waves

Does a soft sound have tall waves?

No, soft sound waves have short waves. Loud sound waves are the ones that have tall waves.

Why are sound waves are described as pressure waves?

Sound waves are described as pressure waves because waves produces pressure by which sound is produces