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Q: Can you mix spinach and collard greens together?
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you mix the colors blue and yellow together. lol

Can you mix leopard geckos with any other reptiles?

Yes. collard lizards and fatailed geckos.

What colors mix do I use to get a gray for doing a painting of a barn?

Stick to mixing the blues and greens with a touch of yellow, but avoid red which will make your mix go brown. If you want grey then mix black and white together the more white you add the lighter the grey you get.

How do you eat spinach?

Materials: Fork Functioning mouth. Spinach. Directions: 1. Open the can/box/bag/ of spinach. 2. Make sure it is cooked and/or not rotten. 3. Take the fork in your hand. 4. Dip the fork in the can/box/bag of spinach. 5. Open your mouth and put the end of the fork with the spinach on it in your mouth. 6. Close your mouth and slide the fork out. 7. Move your jaw up and down with the spinach in it to chew. 8. Once chewed into mush, you may swallow.

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It depends on what tinamou you're talking about. I feed my Tinamous a mix of Chicken scratch, grains and greens. They should be fed lots of greens.

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yes,Air masses mix together

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What happens when a young gay black male and a old white openly racists prick run into each other in a 'upper-class' grocery store reaching for the same (last bag) of Collard greens? Nothing, the store boy brings a cart full of greens to restock and they go on they're separate ways until a freak TORNADO caused by COLD air and HOT air meeting, and destroys the whole freaking store. Moral of the story sh!t happens.

Do parakeets eat lettuce?

lettuce may be fine, but it has no nutrients in it, it is better to give them other greens. Broccoli, carrots, yams, spinach and a good basic seed mix. Do not feed chocolate or avocados, they are highly allergic to these things. Dont forget the Grit either.

What products do Greens First offer?

Greens First offers edible wellness products. This includes vitamin supplements (such as Omega-3 Softgels), cleansing kits and packs to mix (for example) protein shakes.

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How do you preparethe Spinach artichoke fondue from The Melting Pot restaurant?

Mix cheese with flour to keep from clumping.Heat 4 ounces of white wine in double boiler.Add cheese.Add a small ramekin of spinach, and artichokes. Stir.

Can you take Excedrin and Sleep MD together?

It is best not to mix medications. Some meds do not mix well together.