


Spinach is a dark leafy green vegetable. It is high in both calcium and iron.

257 Questions

What does chenopod look like?

Chenopods are small, herbaceous plants with simple, often toothed, alternate leaves. Their flowers are typically tiny and inconspicuous, arranged in spikes or clusters. Many species have a papery covering on their seed, giving them a distinctive appearance.

How much fiber in spinach?

Martes 14 de Mayo

El rol de la memoria en el proceso cognitivo:

 El rol de la memoria en el proceso cognitivo:  El conocimiento se rige por un proceso activo y pasivo, que consiste en: “aprender y desaprender”. Con el olvido, desaprendemos lo que sabemos, y con el aprendizaje conocemos lo que ignoramos o desconocemos. De ahí que sea vital el rol que desempeña la memoria en el proceso del aprendizaje humano.

La memoria es la facultad o capacidad de registrar información, guardarla y recuperarla cuando la necesitamos. Es una capacidad sumamente compleja en la que intervienen diversas funciones cognitivas. En ella reside el poder de retención.

Por lo general, con el paso del tiempo, las funciones mentales y habilidades cognitivas suelen afectarse, tales como: la velocidad de procesamiento, la memoria reciente y la capacidad de encontrar las palabras adecuadas con rapidez. Esto se conoce como la etapa de la declinación cognitiva.

Sin embargo, las habilidades cognitivas pueden ejercitarse para evitar cierto deterioro. "Para mantener el cerebro activo, lo que se debe hacer es pensar. Proponernos desafíos que nos obliguen a poner en funcionamiento nuestras funciones cognitivas. Pensar cosas nuevas, animarse a realizar actividades que se constituyan en nuevos retos que nos desafíen. Esto podría hacer que se generen nuevas conexiones neuronales", señala la Psicología Teresa Fernández, especialista en geriatría.
  • Diferencias entre el conocimiento sensorial y el racional

    El conocimiento racional o lógico y el sensorial o empírico, por su naturaleza, son distintos y muy diferentes uno del otro, pero en cierto modo no son antagónicos; pues, sin lugar a duda, ambos son complementarios, es decir, constituyen una unidad cognitiva enriquecedora. Un bloque unitario, sistemático y armónico en el proceso de desarrollo del conocimiento humano.

    Sin embargo, veamos a continuación los diez aspectos diferenciales cardinales o esencialmente fundamentales.

    a) En lo referente a las fuentes sobre origen del conocimiento:

    Para los racionalistas, la base esencial de todo conocimiento es la razón, no los sentidos. La razón por sí sola es capaz de crear conocimiento. En efecto, el raciocinio es la fuente primaria en la que reside el conocimiento humano. Los empiristas sostienen que las personas no obtienen su conocimiento por la razón, ni por razonar, sino por medio de los sentidos a partir de la experiencia, que es la fuente de donde procede el conocimiento.

    b) En el contexto histórico-geográfico:

    El empirismo surge y se desarrolla en Inglaterra, en la Edad Moderna, en los siglos XVI y XVII. Mientras el racionalismo nace en Francia y se desarrolla en diversos países de Europa Continental de la Edad Moderna, su contexto histórico se ubica en los siglos XVII y XVIII.

    Por consiguiente, es oportuno señalar que ambas concepciones filosóficas y científicas son las dos grandes doctrinas gnoseológicas y epistemológicas que se desarrollan y caracterizan a la modernidad y al pensamiento moderno.

  • Continuación C y D

    c) En virtud de los límites y alcances:

    En este tenor, el empírico es inmediato, concreto y de menos alcance. El empírico, dado que es de naturaleza individual, no adquiere dimensiones universales.

    El racional es abstracto y mediato, tiene mayor dimensión; sus límites y alcances desbordan el aquí y el ahora, bordean el infinito. Su radio de acción abarca el universo y más allá; pues, trasciende al marco de lo metafísico y espiritual. Es decir, los límites infranqueables e inalcanzables del conocimiento racional son indescriptibles e inconceptualizables, aquello que está más allá del infinito. Por tanto, los límites de la razón sobrepasan los límites de los sentidos y de la experiencia.

Is vitamin B-12 in spinach?

Vitamin B12 -- The Jury Is Still Out
  • There is no Vitamin B12 in fruits or vegetables - NOT entirely true, since seaweed is considered vegetables. Vitamin B12 is found in some seaweed, processed as Spirulina (blue-green algae) or Marine Plankton.
  • There is controversy over this, of course. Many people say that the only foods which contain Vitamin B12 are animal-derived foods. This also is untrue.

    Vitamin B12 is a microbe -- a bacteria -- which is produced by microorganisms. Vitamin B12 is the only vitamin that contains a trace element -- cobalt -- which gives this vitamin its chemical name, cobalamin, which is at the center of its molecular structure. Humans and all vertebrates require cobalt, although it is assimilated only in the form of Vitamin B12.

    If you want to take Vitamin B12, be sure you know how much you need for your body size and don't overdose on it. Get more information from a homeopath or from your medical doctor.

  • If you are in the habit of eating unwashed veggies, these may contain small amounts of B12, as it is produced by microbes found in soil.

    It is possible to get Vitamin B12 from vegetarian sources, such as yeast and seaweed. Initially, it was thought that these foods contain a type of B12 that cannot be digested by the human body. However, new research indicates that humans can, in fact, digest and absorb Vitamin B12 found in spirulina and marine plankton.are ei

  • Recent research has also found out that the absorption of B12 from dairy and meat is much poorer than it was thought to be. As a result, a large part of the population is suffering from a B12 deficiency, even though they include plenty of animal-based foods in their diet.
  • Since most of us have busy or stressed lifetstyles, we may not be getting perfect well-balanced meals therefor missing out on some important vitamins, minerals trace elements and enzymes. Many vegans are concerned about the B12 issue.

    There are many sublingual supplements on the market you can take to ensure you are getting enough B12. I suggest sublingual, as the body does not absorb it well enough via the stomach and liver. With sublingual, it goes right into the bloodstream.

  • Vitamin B12 is also found in liver, soy milk and soy beans (is controversial in other nutrition facts), eggs, clams, salmon, crab, milk, dairy products, and more. If your child is prone to allergies, do consult a homeopathic physician or naturopathic nutritionist. It is very important not to take vitamins of synthetic or that have made artificially made.
  • Compared to commercially processed food, Vitamin B12 found via whole natural foods is healthier and safer.

Aloe Vera contains Vitamin B12. It is a great source of this important vitamin because it contains other vitamins and many other ingredients such as minerals, enzymes, sugars, natural cleansers and more. Aloe Vera would be considered the best source for most nutrients that the body needs because it is a rich cocktail of all these elements whose combined action and balance produce a more powerful effect together than would be expected from the individual nutrients. Use freshly harvested aloe leaves or high quality aloe drink with stabilized aloe vera gel as its principal ingredient.

How much vitamin d in spinach?

Spinach Contains no Vitamin D but, Milk does

What country did spinach come from?

Spinach originated in the middle east. It was first recorded use was in Persia (Modern day Iran).

Is there any disadvantage in spinach?

Excessive intake of spinach may lead to Poor Mineral Absorption, Diarrhea

What is the difference between baby spinach and spinach?

The dark-green leaf vegetable is spinach. Both spinich and spinage are frequent misspellings.

The pronunciation is (spin-ich) which is also mispronounced as (spin-ij).

Does spinach grow underground?

No, they grow above the ground like any plant.

Just the roots. The green part you eat grows above the ground, like a big weed... if you're lucky and the slugs don't get it first.

Does spinach contain vitamin K2?

Yes: One cup of canned spinach has about 1,000% of your RDA of vitamin K. Cooking veggies that are high in vitamin K seems to have no effect on the vitamin K content.

The reason you don't see the vitamin K content on is because it is not required by the FDA - so they show the required listing of vitamins that a certain company has provided.

For a person on blood thinners, misinformation about vitamin K can be deadly. Too much vitamin K will cause your INR to plummet, thereby rendering the blood thinners useless and increasing your chances of blood clots.

You can find this information on plenty of other websites if you are so inclined. For example, a list of foods containing Vitamin K can be found in the Related Link, below.

Can pregnant women eat spinach?

Unless you are allergic to any of the contents it should in fact be good for you.

How many Spinach dip recipes for 100 servings?

probably anywhere from 4-8 people depending on people and what they are capable of eating..

How many points in spinach?

I don't think any greens of any kind have points in them.

Can you eat spinach with braces?

Yes you can. It is very soft. Just don't eat hard stuff.

How much protein is in cooked spinach?

Calories in cooked spinachThere are:
  • 23 calories in a 3½ oz or 100g average size portion of cooked spinach
  • 42 calories in 6 oz or 170g of cooked spinach
  • 56 calories in 8 oz or 227g of cooked spinach
  • 41 calories in 1 cup of cooked spinach
  • 21 calories in ½ a cup of cooked spinach
  • 6-7 calories in 1 oz or 28g of cooked spinach

For free vegetable and fruit calorie chartsto use as daily guides for either weight loss or weight maintenance, or for the calorie counts of the other vegetables and fruits, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Sources and Related Links.


What happens if you eat spinach that smells like ammonia?

I got a spinach quesadilla at a Mexican restaurant and it was wonderful. The next time I ordered it, it had a strong smell of ammonia. I have to conclude it was because of the bag. I have noticed that lettuce goes bad quickly in these bags and has funny rotting smells. I think it is due to the bad but have no proof. Hoever, the same chemicals that make fruit ripen could build up in one of these bags and make food smell odd. I have gotten salad at restaurants before that has something granular on it. I wish food preparers would wash veggies more carefully.

How many calories in a cup of raw spinach?

Calories in one cup of spinach

The calorie content is:

  • 7 calories in 1 cup of raw spinach (1.1 oz or 30g)
  • 41 calories in 1 cup of boiled or steamed spinach (6.3 oz or 180g)

For a free Calories in Vegetables Chart, to use as a daily guide for weight loss or weight maintenance, or for the calorie counts of other vegetables, use the page link given below:

Calories in Vegetables Chart

17 people + others found this answer useful

Does spinach have high cholesterol?

No, a serving has about 29 mg sodium, while that same serving has about 299 mg potassium. (Potassium is sort of the antagonist to sodium in the human body.)

What is bad about spinach?

Spinach is wonderful, full of vitamins and minerals, however, it MUST be cooked properly, boiled then drained, in a frying pan with a little butter and bacon.

or washed and added in a salad with a nice strawberry vinaigrette dressing and sunflower seeds. savy-gal

Which pigments did you identify from the spinach leaf?

Chlorophyll, carotenoids, pheophytins and xanthophylls