

Is steel is more elastic then rubber?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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No, because rubber stretches then snaps back into place. Spring steel might be as elastic as rubber BUT normal steel is much less elastic than rubber.

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Q: Is steel is more elastic then rubber?
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N0. The common belief is that if an object elongates easily the object is more elastic . But in Physics the object which gives more resistance to elongate is said to be more elastic . Such objects will have high Young's modulus . Steel is more elastic than copper . The Young's modulus for steel is 210 G Pa For copper it is 117 G Pa Elongation for steel is 35% and for copper it is 45% For rubber Young's modulus is 0.02 G Pa and elongation is 500 % During collision two clay balls will stick together. We call it inelastic collision . Two steel balls will rebound easily and the collision is elastic collision.

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Which of the following is most elastic A. steel B. rubber C. silver

B. Rubber.Steel

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How strain produced in steel is less as compared to rubber?

It is because the measure of stiffness in elastic material and the quantity used to make materials. Also because it is more common than other elastic modulus measured.

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a tightly packed spring, it will act like a rubber band from a rubber band gun when you let go. that is how i remember ELASTIC potential. rubber bands are like elastic.