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* No, not on a private patient basis. There are a small amount of clinical trials testing stem cell therapy on particular diseases or conditions. However, one must meet the criteria to qualify for the trial (not an easy task). The website to find these clinical trials is Most likely, one would have to leave the UK, to seek out stem cell treatment. The closest place is the Xcell Center in Germany. * Yes, it is. Go to MEDRA INC. It can treat many things like C.P and more.

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Q: Is stem cell treatment being done in the UK?
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Research is being done to see whether or not the promising results of stem cell research in other medical areas could be applied to the treatment of curing of HIV.

How is a stem cell beneficial?

stem cells are being used in research , treatment , tissue culture and cloning etc.

How do you get stem cell treatment?

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What research is being done in stem cell therapy for leukemia?

There is very advance clinical research being done on stem cell thearpy currently. Van Andle Instintuie in Grand Rapids, MI is doing advanced research currently.

I know stem cell treatments are controversial and cutting edge but how does the treatment work?

Stem cells are cells that have the potential to become any kind of cell. So if a person's cells have been damaged, the stem cells can be used to recreate healthy cells. Stem cell treatment is still in the research stage. Studies are currently being conducted to inject stem cells to treat spinal cord injuries.

How effective is stem cell treatment for leukemia?

There are many treatments for Leukemia and some work being done with stems cells. On of the greatest things you can do to help you friend is put yourself on the bone marrow donor list.

Is stem cell treatment legal in Australia?

Yes. Stem cell therapy is used to treat several conditions.There are currently many stem cell clinical trials underway in Australia.

Are stems cells used as a treatment for a disease and is stem cell treatment legal?

Stem cells are being used in an effort to replace tissues torn fromt he human body, Its legality is subject from area to area and by condition and circumstance.

Can breast cancer be treated with stem cells?

Stem cell treatment is used to treat advanced breast cancer.

I have hypotony and a damaged retina, also some optic nerve damage, although I had a little sight until the hypotony. Any hope for stem cell treatment?

stem cell treatment as of the moment is a conservative issue whether to continue allowing it or totally ban it. however the answer is yes, almost anything is possible through stem cell research, believe it or not the stem cell treatment could even be a way of stopping aging, all the more hypotony.

Why did Gary Green and Freddie Fu skeptical of stem cell treatment?

they didnt now

What are some potential sources of embryonic stem cells for use in research and stem cell treatment?

The umbilical cord has stem cells in it. Baby teeth are another possible source of stem cells.