

Is sternum a humerus

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Is sternum a humerus
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Is the sternum lateral to the humerus?

No. The sternum is superior to the descending colon.

Is the nose lateral to the scapula?

The humerus is lateral to the sternum. The sternum, or breastbone, is midline.

What large muscle originates along the sternum and inserts onto the humerus?

You have the pectoralis major muscle in the chest wall. It arise from the sternum and the clavicle. It is inserted on the lateral part of the bicipital groove.

Clavicle bone articulates with?

the medial end articulates with the sternum and the distal end articulates with the humerus and scapula.

How many bones connect the torso to the arm?

Gleno-humeral joint (scapula to humerus) Claviculo-acromial joint (clavicle to acromion of scapula) Sternoclavicular joint (attaches clavicle to sternum) Scapula articulates with the back of the chest so bones humerus (in the arm), clavicle sternum and scapula

What is the cavicle?

It is the same as the collar bone. It runs between the sternum (chest bone) and humerus (arm bone) It doesn't have a strict articulation with the arm, but is held by ligaments. Easily broken but heals readily.

Where would I find a -short- bone type in the human body?

"Short" bones are most commonly found in the wrists and ankles.Other bone types:Long -- humerus & femurFlat -- sternum and skullIrregular -- vertebraeSesamoid -- patella

What is the bone in the upper arm?

The humerus. Edit: Its the humerus its easy to remember because of the phrase "funny bone" funny=humorous=humerus

Hemopoiesis is carried out in the?

red bone marrow located in the vertebral bodies, femur, humerus, ribs, and sternum

What is the name of the single bone in the upper arm?

The humerus. The humerus is a long bone. It can make blood cells. However, the flat, small, and irregular bones can make blood but not as much as the long bones( humerus, femur).

What articulates with the manubrium?

With the clavicals (as well as) The coastal cartilage of the first and second ribs and the body of the sternum.