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Q: Is strawberries grow mold on faster mango?
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Does a banana grow mold faster tahn a sandwhich?

An unpeeled banana will unlikely grow mold faster than a sandwich. A peeled banana will likely grow mold faster than a sandwich due to higher sugar content and moisture. However, it also depends on the conditions. Fridge vs. counter top, arid climate vs. moist, etc.

What are the molds that grow on strawberries called?


When do strawberries grow mold the fastest?

Strawberries usually grow mold the fastest on the leaves, but it also grows on the older spots of the strawberry. (Or the rotted part.)

Does strawberries grow more mold in cabinets or refrigerator?


On which foods does fungus grow best?

Bread mold grows incredibly fast. Strawberries and tomatoes are also easy to become moldy.

Why does strawberries grow mold the fastest?

Because they are nice fat and juicy

Will mold grow faster on white bread wheat bread or buttermilk bread?

Mold will grow faster on white bread.

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Why does soda make mold grow faster?

the reason soda makes mold grow faster is because soda is high in sugar and sugar is food for mold.

Will mold grow faster on wheat bread in the fridge or in a room temperature?

Mold thrives in warmer temperatures; therefore the mold will grow faster at room temperature.

Does water or coke make mold grow faster?

Coke would make mold grow faster... Sugar is food for the mold/fungus. Therefore, Coke with its high sugar content would make it grow faster.

Which molds faster grapes or strawberries?

The strawberry will mold faster than the grape, I don't know why exactly, but I just know it does.