

Is subclavian artery an vessel or pulse?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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It is the artery that runs from the Aorta behind the collar bone. It supplies blood to the arms.

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Q: Is subclavian artery an vessel or pulse?
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If an accident victim had a severed left subclavian artery which pulse neck or wrist would be most affected?

The left subclavian artery doesn't feed the carotid (neck pulse) so your answer would be the wrist.

Which blood vessel is the pulse taken?

Subclavian artey becomes axillary artery. Axillary artery becomes brachial artery. Brachial artery divides into radial and ulnar branches. You palpate radial artery at distal end of radius bone. So you feel a pulse betwwen radius and your fingers. So it is better felt than ulnar artery.

What part of the human body is served by subclavian vessel?

The superior or the upper extremity is served by the subclavian artery and vein. Subclavian means below the clavicle bone.

Which blood vessel has a pulse?

The blood vessel that has a pulse is an artery. Veins do not have enough blood pressure to register a pulse.

What is the main vessel that supplies oxygenated blood to the upper limb?

You have the axillary artery which supply the upper limb. It is continuation of subclavian artery and continue as a brachial artery.

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What blood vessel is used to check pulse rate?

The radial pulse is checked for vital signs.

What type of blood vessel is used to count pulse rates?


What blood vessel is responsible for the superficial temporal pulse?

The temporal artery.

The strongest pulse felt in blood vessel?

A pulse can be felt where an artery crosses a bone. The main areas where the strongest pulse may be felt are the carotid artery in the neck, the brachial artery in the crook of the arm and the radial artery in the inner wrist.

What is the vessel called that branches to form a right common carotid and right subclavian?

The brachiocephalic artery is the first major branch off of the aortic arch, it gives rise to the right internal carotid artery and the right subclavian artery. The brachiocephalic artery is also sometimes called the brachiocephalic trunk, and may also be called the innominate artery.

What blood vessel does the axillary artery receive its blood from?

Left ventricle pumps blood through the aorta, which then goes through the brachiocephalic trunk, and then through the subclavian artery and then into your axillary artery Sierra Q