

Is sudden vaginal bleeding mean having miscarriage?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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There is not enough information with the question to give an intelligent answer except to say, "If you experience sudden vaginal bleeding outside of your normal menses, seek immediate medical care."

Carol, R.N.

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11y ago
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Q: Is sudden vaginal bleeding mean having miscarriage?
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What are the symptoms of a micarriage in the first few weeks of a pregnancy?

Severe cramping, heavy bleeding, bright red bleeding, clots, sudden stop in pregnancy symptoms are a few. If you feel that you may be having a miscarriage contact your dr and go to the ER immediately.

Did i miscarriage?

Do you have some of the miscarriage symptoms such as bleeding, cramping, with pelvic or back-pain are accompanied during that period. Another miscarriage symptoms is the sudden stop of all pregnancies symptoms which include breast tenderness, the feeling of unwell.

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When you're taking the birth control pill, you don't have a menstrual period. Instead, you have withdrawal bleeding. Menstrual periods are vaginal bleeding the follows ovulation by 14 days. Withdrawal bleeding is vaginal bleeding brought on by sudden cessation of hormone ingestion. Whether you have unscheduled bleeding from missing a pill or scheduled bleeding during your placebo week, neither is called a menstrual period.

Which suffix means sudden severe bleeding?

The suffix that means sudden severe bleeding is "-rrhage." An example of a term with this suffix is "hemorrhage," which refers to sudden and severe bleeding.

What is the sign of 2month pregnant miscarriage?

First off if you think you are having a miscarriage you should contact your Dr right away. Symptoms may include : Heavy bleeding, bright red bleeding, passing of clots and/or tissue, cramping, back pain, sudden stop of pregnancy symptoms, and home pregnancy test going from positive to negative. You should go to the ER right away if you have any sever bleeding, shoulder pain, smelly/yellow/green discharge, fever, blurred vision, or fainting as these all could be signs of something much more serious.

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A vaginal "fart". Sudden release of air out of the vaginal canal. Sounds almost like a regular fart.

When you have a miscarriage where is the pain in your stomach?

A miscarriage in the first trimester is going to feel similar to period-like cramping in your lower abdomen. Some other symptoms of having a miscarriage are: the passing of tan colored tissue, headaches, back pain, the passing of blood, white to pinkish colored discharge, and a sudden decrease in signs of pregnancy.

Why when on your period you make a sudden move you get a heavy flow of blood and clots are you having a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy?

Because that is one way the muscles in your stomach pushes the blood out along with the lining of the uterus (the lumps). It can already be in the vaginal canal and when you make that move it comes out. Many have the same thing; sneeze = Niagara Falls, getting up = Niagara falls and so on. It's annoying. And this is not a symptom of a ectopic pregnancy.

The suffix that is most often used to describe sudden severe bleeding?


If a girl thinks she had a miscarriage but it wasn't a miscarriage what might it be?

She needs to see a doctor, we can't tell without examen her. If you all of a sudden start to bleed a lot you have to see a doctor. It can be a cyst and she'll be needing treatment.

Could I have had a miscarriage 3 days after my missed period but not know it Sudden cramps followed by heavy bleeding clotting Should I see a doctor?

Oh dear, had you had a positive pregnancy test? It sounds as though you have had either a late period or an early miscarriage. If the bleeding has stopped or is stopping and you feel otherwise well (no fever etc) there is no need to see a doctor. If it was an early miscarriage it will be all gone and there is no way of telling. These early miscarriages are usually becases something has gone wrong when the sperm fertilised the egg and there was no chance of a healthy baby. You are no more likely to have another miscarriage than anyone else.

Im not sure if im pregnant or not I havent taken a test but whats weird all of a sudden I started bleeding and my period isn't suppose to start until a week later was it a miscarriage?

# Firstly take the test it would really help you get an answer # Then take this to your local GP If you are young and have not been having your period over 4 years, yes you are safe. WHY It takes approximatley 4 and a half years for a woman's period to come to a constant cycle. If you've had your period more then 4 years, take this issue immediatley to your GP.