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Generally, yes. Artificial light struggles to be as strong as sunlight, so plants have less energy available to them. I've worked in a professional indoor plant growth chamber, and the light level was only 1/3 as strong as direct sunlight. However, some artificial grow lights use the specific wavelengths that plants use, so there is the potential for artificial light to be more efficient.

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Artificial light vs sunlight?

Artificial light is not always as good as natural sunlight. There are a few types of natural sunlight bulbs that come close, only they are still missing several wavelengths that are found in natural light. These wavelengths are necessary for plant growth and vitamin D production in animals.

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It depends what you mean by better. They will grow more naturally in sunlight but can be forced artificially with lights and may produce more and be grown out of season. I would say natural is better but then we have a world to feed.

Is sunlight better than artificial light?

Sunlight is not better or worse than artificial light, but it has advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation. An advantage of sunlight is that it is free. Artificial light has a cost, since it consumes electricity, and electricity is not free. Sunlight is brighter than most artificial lighting (although it is possible to create artificial lighting of any desired brightness) and that is a feature that you might or might not want. Sunlight has a lot of ultraviolet content and can cause sunburn. Sunlight is only available during the day, not at night, unlike artificial light which is available at any time you want it.

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What is artificial ligthting?

Fake lighting... anything other than the sun or any un- man made light. eg.lights are artificial

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that would depend on your goal