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Q: Is super glue a conductor of electricity?
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Is brass a super conductor of electricity?

brass is a good conductor, not a super conductor.

How can you make electricity flow?

Use a good conductor - if possible a super conductor.

How can you make electricity flow effiectively?

Use a good conductor - if possible a super conductor.

Is cobalt a super conductor of electricity?

conductorCobalt is a metal. Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.

Is ELMER'S glue super glue?

NO super glue is not elmers

Is a good conductor of electricity a poor conductor of electricity?


Is human body a conductor or non conductor of electricity?

the human body is a conductor of electricity

Is lighting a conductor of electricity?

A conductor is metals... lightning is electricity.

What is the differences between conductors semiconductors and insulators.?

An insulator does not conduct electricity or heat whatsoever. (Eg: Wood) A semi-conductor conducts electricity / heat but with imperfect efficiency. (Eg: Steel) A conductor is simply a term for something that is not an insulator. A super-conductor conducts heat and electricity with almost perfect efficiency.(Eg: Gold)

Is iron a conductor of electricity?

yes;very good conductor of electricity.

Is a frosted glass a conductor of electricity?

No, frosted glass is not a conductor of electricity.

What is inside of super glue?

Super glue is made of cyanoacrylite.