

Best Answer

Yes, the word 'supernatural' is both a noun and an adjective.


We heard sounds as if from the supernatural. (noun)

They say that a supernatural being resides here. (adjective)

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Q: Is supernatural a noun
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Yes, "curse" is a common noun. It refers to a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something.

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Yes, the noun 'worship' is an abstract noun, a word for the outward showing of respect toward a divine being or supernatural power; great admiration or devotion to someone or something; a word for a concept.

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No, the noun psychic is a concrete noun, a word for person, someone who supposedly possesses unusual or supernatural mental powers.The adjective psychic refers to the nature of these powers or related phenomena. While the phenomena are not tangible, the persons are.

Is the word devil a noun?

Yes, the word "devil" is a noun. It is typically used to refer to a supernatural being associated with evil, often depicted as a tempter or ruler of Hell.

Can imp be called a proper noun?

No, "imp" is not a proper noun. It is a common noun that refers to a mischievous or small supernatural creature. Proper nouns refer to specific and unique entities, such as names of people, places, or organizations.

What part of speech is curse?

Curse can be a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to a swear word or a profane utterance. As a verb, it means to use swear words or to invoke a supernatural power to bring harm or misfortune.

What part of speech is familiar?

An adjective, in modern usage. It was also used a noun, to mean a supernatural companion of a witch, when many people believed in witches.

Do you capitlize Devil in a sentence?

Yes, "Devil" should be capitalized when referring to the devil as a specific supernatural being or as a proper noun. For example, "The Devil made me do it."

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Is there an online site for writers of supernatural tales?

if you mean supernatural as in supernatural the tv series , and supernatural tales , as in fan fictions , then is the best .go to 'tv' then supernatural

Who is in supernatural?

No one know's who God is in Supernatural.